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Skills > Mineralogy

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Level 1

Allows identification of minerals in orestones automatically (a text name of the mineral is displayed when you click on the orestone) rather than by visually examining the crystals. Unless you are using pure mines, this skill is essential to mining.

A list of the mineral names and their relationship to the metal types may be found here.

Tuition cost:

School: Thought

This skill may also be taught in 8 lessons.

Level 2

Allows examining contents of ore cart for 1 acid and 1 cabbage juice.

Tuition cost:

School: Thought

This skill may also be taught in 30 lessons.

Mineralogy 1 was released during October 2004. Egypt was given a choice between three options: Either identify the crystals on an ore stone, the contents of an ore cart or allow Ore Carts to follow their owner. Egypt has chosen the first option. Mineralogy 2 was released during January 2006, and is actually the second option given more than a year ago.

See also: Mining

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Last edited January 18, 2006 4:12 pm by ShanVizen (diff)