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Sunset > Venery > Mountain Spoiler

The Sunset Mountain Tour

Welcome to the Red Sea Oasis Sunset area.
This Venery features a tour of Sunset facilities that are located directly west of here in the caldera, on the caldera rim, and on the mountain at the very end of the road.

"Search for Keys" on guild owned objects. Watch for Hints (needs a key) and Clues (key or no key needed) in the popup windows.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Obelisk 1476 2242

Clue: Congratulations! Don't forget to judge the venery!
If you enjoyed this Venery, and would like to become involved in the Discipline of Thought, we would love to have you as a member in Sunset Venery.

Hint (you still need a key): Seventeen clues and the related keys for this venery are concentrated in two areas to the west of here, in the caldera just to the south of the road and up on the mountain at the end of the road. Popup your F3 map and travel over to the caldera that's west of here. The main entrance is just to the south of the road. You'll find your first clue on a glass torch at 1259 2269, near the south side of the Raeli Gliderport.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Warmup 1259 2269

Clue: Check your ESC > Tests > Venery > Keyring menu. You should now have your first key.
Play with the Raeli Gliderport for a bit, but don't judge it yet as you're too close for the good visuals.
When you're ready to move on, head past the apiaries on the east side of the caldera and spiral up the ramp to one of the local peaks. Sit in the cheap seats at 1286 2237 and click on the Gliderport. You'll get a "Launch the Glider Sequence" menu.

Hint: not used

Sunset Mountain Tour - Cheap Seats 1286 2237

Clue: These are the cheap seats. You can see everything, but not very well. Click on the Gliderport and Launch the Glider Sequence. This is an especially good location for viewing the 4th and 5th gliders.
Your next jaunt is along the rim over to the west wall of the caldera, where the viewing is perfect. You have a reserved seat at 1209 2254, high on the face of the caldera wall that is only accessible from above.

Hint (you still need a key): You've gotten ahead of yourself. Click on the Glass Torch at 1259 2269, next to the Raeli Gliderport, to obtain the key that you need to get this clue.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Private Suite 1209 2254

Clue: Use an F5 view and adjust the zoom so that you can see both the Gliderport and the top of the entrance peaks. Launch the Glider Sequence, and enjoy the view.
When you are finished admiring the Gliderport, follow the ridgeline to the west. We're going to look at some nice sculptures on our way over to Sunset National Park. Our next objective is Art for Art's Sake, at 1037 2294.

Hint (you still need a key): You've gotten ahead of yourself. Click on the Glass Torch at 1286 2237, on one of the peaks on the east side of the caldera, to obtain the key that you need to get this clue.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Art for Art's Sake 1037 2294

Clue: I never have decided if this is supposed to be a moon rover, or just what, and are we visiting them or are they visiting us??
Continue on to the west. You're looking for The Test of Fatherhood, at 934 2390, up on a pretty good hill.

Hint (you still need a key): You've gotten ahead of yourself. Click on the Glass Torch at 1209 2254, high on the west wall of the caldera, to obtain the key that you need to get this clue.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Fatherhood 934 2390

Clue: Sometimes it's all worth the effort.<G> Continue on up to the grassy area at the top of the mountain, near 958 2450, and take a look at the Aker heiroglyph. Aker is the Egyptian God of Morning and Evening, and is the Guardian of Yesterday and Tomorrow.

Hint (you still need a key): You've gotten ahead of yourself. Click on the Glass Torch at 1037 2294, near a sculpture up on a hill, quite a ways east of here, to obtain the key that you need to get this clue.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Aker 958 2450

Aker is the Guardian of Morning and Evening
Sef is the Guardian of Yesterday
Duau is the Guardian of Today
Clue: This is the last key for the Sunset National Park portion of the tour. Head east down the ramp, and go back to the Gliderport in the Caldera at 1259 2271.

Hint (you still need at least one key): Please check your ESC > Tests > Venery > Keyring menu to ensure that you have the Fatherhood key. If not, you've gotten ahead of yourself, and you need to find the sculpture at 934 2390 to obtain the first of the six keys that you will need to obtain this key.

The Sunset Elders are the stewards of a 41x41 area known as Sunset National Park. F6 provides the best view of the Sunset or Sunrise, and it's spectacular.
Finding the boundaries of the park, and figuring out how to unlock the five ritual torches, is the puzzle part of the venery. The center of Park is at the top of the ramp, and the corners are +/- 20 coordinates in each direction. Come back when your Keyring has 5 keys different keys that have Park as part of their name.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Park Center 960 2460

Aker, and his companions Sef and Daua, are the Guardians of Sunset National Park. They are, even now, watching over you.
Clue: This is one of the five keys that you will need for Aker. This Ritual Torch marks the exact center of the 41x41 park. You should also look for other Ritual Torches, in the four corners of the park, to obtain other Hints and Clues.

Hint (you still need a key): This Ritual Torch marks the exact center of the 41x41 Sunset National Park. The key for this lockbox is located on a windy peak, not so very far away.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Caress 951 2471

This is a wonderful spot for watching a Sunrise or a Sunset.
Clue: This key will allow you to unlock the Ritual Torch that marks the exact center of Sunset National Park, near the top of the ramp.
You should also look for the Ritual Torches that mark each corner of the park.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Park SW 940 2440

Clue: This key is one of 5 keys that are needed to unlock the Blessing of Aker.
You are at the SW corner of a 41x41 area that is centered at the top of the ramp.

Hint (you still need a key): Elevation matters when drying Papyrus. The highest spot in this area, and quite possibly the highest spot in all of Egypt, would be a good place to look for a key.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Peak 968 2432

In the days of our Grandparents, this area was controlled by the Priests from the River Plains University of Body. Now it belongs to us all. The Zep Tepi sculpture represents Genesis, the beginning of all time, in Egyptian Mythology.
Clue: Below you is the SW corner of a 41x41 area that is centered at the top of the ramp.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Park NW 940 2480

Clue: This is one of 5 keys that are needed to unlock the Blessing of Aker.
You are at the NW corner of a 41x41 area that is centered at the top of the ramp.

Hint (you still need a key): If you continue clockwise around the mountain you'll see a Welcome Banner and, beyond that, a Master's Forge. It seems that the Master is a Locksmith.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Forge 1071 2514

Although you don't need to go there to get a key, try to find the nearby Sunset Foundry Guildhall, just North of the lower ramp. We have several mines in this area including Aluminum, Zinc, Tin, Gold, and White Sand. Mining is a key element of life in ATITD.
Clue: If you haven't been there already, it's easy to miss the NW corner of the Park. Go West to the Welcome Banner, jump off the cliff, and then go counterclockwise around the mountain to the base of a grassy slope.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Park NE 980 2480

Clue: This is one of 5 keys that are needed to unlock the Blessing of Aker.
You are at the NE corner of a 41x41 area that is centered at the top of the ramp.

Hint (you still need a key): Convenience matters when drying Papyrus, especially if you're making baskets. Along with 18 Flax Hammocks, a Hand Loom is a key requirement.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Loom 978 2462

At the beginning of Tale Two, there was an epic battle for the pretty area at the top of the mountain. The matter was settled by building two Papyrus Drying compounds.
Clue: Further out on this point you'll find the NE corner of Sunset National Park. It's tough to get to, and even tougher to return with a key that will help unlock Aker's Blessings.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Park SE 980 2441

Clue: This is one of 5 keys that are needed to unlock the Blessing Aker.
You are at the SE corner of a 41x41 area that is centered at the top of the ramp.

Hint (you still need a key): Pilgrims come from far and wide to admire our Waterfall and to worship at our nearby Pilgrim Shrine. There are other key benefits as well.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Shrine 963 2447

Believe it or not, you can climb the canyon wall if you find the right spot. You can also use the canyon when you want a quick exit off of the mountain.
Clue: Below you, in the canyon, you'll find a Ritual Torch that marks the SE corner of a 41x41 coordinate Park.

Sunset Mountain Tour - Raeli Gliderport 1259 2271

Clue: Please take a moment to judge the Raeli Gliderport.
You now have the final key for the Sunset Mountain Tour. Return to the middle venery base, east of here near the Obelisk at 1475 2240, and select the Search for a Key option to finish the venery.

Hint (you still need a key): If this is your first visit to the caldera, Search for a Key on the Ruby Torch that's immediately south of here.
If you just came down off of the mountain, we have a problem. Check ESC > Tests > Venery > Keyring and see if you have five "Park" keys. If you have all five of them, then you simply forgot to click on the Aker Heiroglyph.

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Last edited January 22, 2006 6:28 am by MarvL (diff)