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The Test Of Darkest Night

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The Test Of Darkest Night

In this Test, you will be challenging your body by ingesting all 28 species of mushroom.
As you may know, Egypt's mushrooms, when consumed fresh from the earth are deadly however, the scientists at the University of the Human Body can determine which species of mushroom are safe for you to eat - each person's system is different, of course.
Each step of their regimen will increase your Constitution by 1, permanently. Reach Constitution 7 to pass The Test of Darkest Night.
Note that when consuming mushrooms you must eat them fresh, from the earth. Cooked mushrooms are a tasty meal, but do nothing for your Constitution.
- Pharaoh

In this Body test, you must travel around Egypt eating mushrooms fresh off the ground. Those adept at learning the patterns of mushroom spawns would be at the greatest advantage. When signing up for the test at an University of Body, you learn what kinds of mushrooms can you eat, and get your regimen. A regimen consists of 4 randomly chosen kinds of mushrooms, and you must eat 7 of each shroom kind. They must be eaten fresh from the ground (i.e. without having been picked).

Once you have completed your regimen, you must return to a University of Body. At that time your Constitution will permanently increase by 1, and you will be given a regimen of another 4 mushroom types. When you have completed your seventh regimen, you pass the test.

Higher constitution will speed up timers for making toxins in a toxin kitchen, for smoking herbs and various other things.

For help in finding mushrooms and understanding spawn patterns, check out Shroomdar.

The purpose of this page is to try figure out the Mushroom Ecology. By collecting ecology datas, we can be able to determine the conditions that trigger a spawn of a particular shroom. This will allow Shroom-hunters to check for these conditions at day, and if conditions meet, they can come back at night and collect the precious mushroom. If we are able to understand this ecology system very well, we may even be able to 'trigger' a spawn on a given place. We can break this Test of the Darkest Night, Acorn's Cap for all, says I !!! --Ankh-el-Pandemis

Completing the Test of Darkest Night allows you to take a basket of 10 cobras out of a snake pit (which may be placed in another pit to add snakes there) once every 14 days. (NB. basket is consumed)

(See also: Tests, Mushrooms, Shroomdar, The Human Body)

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Last edited October 1, 2005 6:45 pm by FaceAnkh (diff)