The Test of the Acrobat
When you visit a University of Body to begin the Test of the Acrobat, you will be taught a single acrobatic move. Master 28 moves to pass the test.
Each of the 28 acrobatic moves has 7 facets which must be learned in order to master the move. Your Tests menu will allow you to track your progress in various moves as well as perform the moves.
Acrobats may teach each other facets by standing near each other and performing their moves. If other people stand too close to the acrobats (within about 5 coords), they will be unable to learn from each other.
For every four moves learned (including the first), an acrobat receives one point of dexterity. At seven points of dexterity (28 moves), the acrobat passes the test. The more dexterity you have, the more bulk you can carry and the faster you can run off-road. 7 Dexterity makes your off-road travel speed equal to an on-road travel at speed 0.
The number of facets of each move that a student may learn from a given teacher is based on the total number of facets that the student has taught to other acrobats.
- A student who has taught less than 14 facets can learn at most one facet per move per teacher.
- A student who has taught 14 or more and less than 980 facets can learn at most two facets per move per teacher.
- A student who has taught 980 or more facets can learn at most three facets per move per teacher.
Strategy and tips
To pass the Test of the Acrobat:
- Learn from as many people as possible. Remember your perfect masters, and revisit them whenever they learn new moves, or after you've taught 14 moves. Recently vomiton found out that you dont need to teach 14 facets to learn the same facet twice by same person conversation here
- Learn from people who have many moves, but...
- ...don't disdain people with few moves. Teach as many facets as possible, in order to improve your chances of learning several facets from the same person.
- A good place to find teachers is by hanging out around the University of Body in popular towns, such as Nile Delta or Sinai.
- Another good place is hanging out around Chariot Stops at various locations.
- Another great place is near the Chariot in Karnak has been home to huge acro lines recently.
- Also try acro parties such as Fast and Furious
The message "Although you don't pick up anything new, you do follow the move: ABC" means that this teacher has already taught you move ABC as many times as you can currently learn from that person.
Acronyms such as "AI" for "Asian Influence" are almost always used for acro moves - see the table below for the standard names.
It's a good idea to put what moves you have and how many facets you've taught in your info text (click self->Utility->Edit my info text) - this enables people to see what moves you have to teach and to avoid attempting to teach you ones you already know.
AcroMacro, a macroing tool for teaching without tedium.
Teaching and learning facets
When a teacher performs a move before a student, the chance that the student will learn a facet is determined as follows (checked in order):
- There is a 50% chance that the student will not follow the move on any given attempt, regardless of other factors.
- There is a fixed chance that this teacher can teach this move to this student, based on how good the teacher is for this student. This chance does not vary with repeated attempts at teaching--either the teacher can teach this move, or he cannot. The chances are:
- Perfect master - 100% - (see comments below if this seems weird to you)
- Great teacher - 50% (1 in 2 chance)
- Pretty good teacher - 25% (1 in 4 chance)
- Last resort - 6.25% (1 in 16 chance)
- Blur - 1.5625% (1 in 64 chance) There is some debate whether the percentages for complete blur and last resort are switched, but the above percentages are what Teppy said they were.
- If the above checks succeed, the student will learn a facet if one he doesn't already know is available to be taught by this teacher. The facets available are based on the combination of student, teacher, and move- and will not change with successive attempts at teaching. For each facet per move a given student can potentially learn (see above) one of the seven facets of the move has been chosen randomly (with replacement- the same facet may have been chosen more than once, if applicable.)
- If one or more of the chosen facets are not already known to the student, the student learns one.
- If the student already knows all the chosen facets, he cannot learn any additional facets from this teacher, teacher and student receive a message "follows the move". This message means that it's impossible to learn more of this move from this master, unless after seeing this message the student teaches a 14th or 980th facet and gains the ability to learn an additional facet per teacher.
Move | Acronym | Bewegung | Mouvements | |
Asian Influences | AI | Asiatische Kampfakrobatik | influenece asiatique | |
Bicycle Kick | BK | Radfahren | saut en pédallant | |
Broad Jump | BJ | Weitsprung | grand saut | |
Cartwheels | CW | Radschlagen | roue | |
Cat stretch | CS | Seitstretching | Assouplissements poussés | |
Clapping Push-Ups | CPU | Klatsch-Liegestützen | Pompes en claquants des mains | |
Crunches | CR | Bauchtraining | abdominaux | |
Greek Bridge | GB | Griechenbrücke | pont grec | |
Handplant | HP | Einhandstütz | équilibre sur une main | |
Handstand | HS | Handstand | marche sur les mains | |
Inverted Pushups | IP | Kopfstandstützen | pompes poirier | |
Jump Split | JS | Spreizsprung | saut jambes écartés | |
Jumping Jacks | JJ | Hampelmänner | échauffement des bras et des jambes | |
Kick-Up | KU | Kick-Up | saut arrière | |
Leg Stretch | LS | Beinstretching | flexion des jambes | |
Lunge | LU | Ausfallschritt | fente | |
Pinwheel | PW | Armkreisen | petits mouvements de bras | |
Push-Ups | PU | Liegestützen | pompes | |
Rear Squat | RS | Beinstrecken | coup de pied arrière | |
Roundoff | RO | Seitsalto | roue sans les mains | |
Run in Place | RiP | Im Stand Laufen | course sur place | |
Side Bends | SB | Seitbeugen | étirement des bras | |
Somersault | SS | Purzelbaum | roulade et poirier | |
Squat Thrust | ST | Stützbeuge | accroupissement et saut | |
Squats | SQ | Kniebeugen | flexion | |
Toe Touches | TT | Rumpfbeugen | touché des orteils | |
Wide Squat | WS | Spreizbeugen | flexion jambes écartés | |
Windmill | WM | Windmühle | moulin à vents | |
- I have 20 facets taught, I(male) managed to teach windmill to a person that I was last resort to on the 2nd try while he was great and could not teach me anything in broad jump. There is some unknown factor regarding acrobatics that we do not know.
- If you understand the system above, there is nothing at all odd about this. An LR can have the last facet you need and a perfect not have it. Nothing more complex than that.
- It seems that some acro moves are easier to teach than the others. In the long acro lines it seems that are large percent know Push-Ups, Windmill, Jumping Jacks and Toe Touches.
- This doesn't seem an unlikely outcome even if they're all the same difficulty. Due to random and pseudo-random effects (how many people with a particular move practice together, etc) I'd expect a handful of moves to become more common at the outset. This effect will only be compounded as more people learn the move from the more widely available teachers. -- Amanesus
- It seems to me that there is a smallish chance that the move will not succeed that attempt regardless of other factors. If the %chance for Perfect Master is 100%, then this is the only feasible explanation. I've heard people mention it might be more like 95%, but I feel that that is less feasible than the small chance of not working each attempt. If you roll a hundred-sided die, the chance of rolling a 1-5 six or seven times in a row is very small. Anyone care to comment? -- MacDole
- Well, part of it is, you'll fail 50% of the time regardless of the level of the teacher. Think of it this way, if you're a perfect match, and you go to teach a move, it rolls against that 50% first. If it fails, you don't teach the move. If it succeeds, it carries on to rolling against that 100%, which doesn't fail. -- Trizzle
- In a single session between a perfect master who has completed acro and a brand new acro student, 27 facets will eventually be taught, 1 for each move the student needs to learn. As a student gains more facets in each move the master and student get more and more "follows the move". If you are a perfect teacher and have the time, you should continue trying to teach each move you know until you either get the facet taught or get the "follows the move" message. -- OldJoe
(See also: Tests, Acro moves, The Human Body)