Hi, I just thoght I'd put my foot print here because it seemed like the thing to do at the time.
You will find me most of the time West of RSO. Simply follow the road that leads west out of RSO until you find either RaMPeNT's statue pointing towards the sun valley or you find the WRSO guild hall. Turn right and run for about 30 seconds. And there I should be. Feel free to apply for membership at the TooRamp guild. You may also use our mines and other facilities around the area. Also check out the WRSO. It's a great little communal guild mostly for locals in the west Red Sea Oasis area.
Big ups to: - Jurnik? (my mentor), - Rampent? my first egypt friend, - Parmendides? for those first few vital trades to help me get started, - Lucmet? for his/her continued gernerousity and - Tepemkau for his endless information, trades and friendship.
Please come and see my PlayboyMansion :-)
Test Progress
| Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | X | | | | | | | |
Art | X | | | | | | | |
Body | X | | | | | | | |
Conflict | | | | | | | | |
Leadership | X | | | | | | | |
Thought | | | | | | | | |
Worship | | | | | | | | |
- Initation: Complete
- The Test of Towers: Tried to build a few, but I only get low percentages :-(
- The Test of the Obelisk: Considering. I have enough resources for 130ish, but I'd like to go in with the ability to build 150 just incase.
- The Test of the Megalopolis: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Khefre's Children: Concrete. Damn Concrete
- The Test of the Raeli Mosaic: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of the Acrobat: Persuing in a long and round-about way
- The Test of the Singing Cicada: Try and find 'em.
- The Test of the Darkest Night: I'm looking for shrooms like a junkie in the 60's
- Initiation: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Tug: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Heket's Rake: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Zhadu: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Yokir: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Mentorship: I have helped quite a few and have nothing to show for it :-(
- The Test of the Demi-Pharaoh: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Hegemon: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Host: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Tomb of the Immortal: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Empty Hand: Not Pursuing
- The Venery: not pursuing
- Initiation: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Marriage: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Vigil: Not Pursuing
- The Path of the Pilgrim: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Festival: Not Pursuing
Avatar Numbers
- Strength: 1
- Dexterity: 0
- Endurance: 0
- Speed: 1
- Constitution: 0
- Focus: 2
- Perception: 1
Indulgence Numbers
- Gastronomy: 6
- Beer Tasting: 2
- Oenology: 11
- Fumeology: 12
I have only 1 move: Clapping Push-ups
AI (3); BK(4); BJ(4); CW(3); CS(3); Cr(4); GB(4); HP(3); HS(3); IP(2); JS(4); JJ(5); KU(4); LS(4); Lu(4); PW(4); PU(3); RS(3); Ro(3); RiP(4); SB(4); SS(2); ST(3); Sq(4); TT(4); WS(4);Wm(5)
3 Facet taught. :-(
Masters: Blondie, Keebersam?, Keyara?, Sunblaze?
Note: Thanks to Chichis for the template of this page which I actually took from Illumination ;-)