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Guild hall Costs:

To start a guild you must first build a small construction site. Then you will be given the option to build a guildhouse.

Size Wood needed Bricks needed Wood-100 Bricks-100
2 108 116 8 16
5 150 200 50 100
10 300 500 200 400
20 900 1700 800 1600
50 5100 10100 5000 10000

If you need to build a guild of size not listed above, it is clear from the last two columns, that the cost is:
Material Cost
Wood 100 + 2 x N^2
Bricks 100 + 4 x N^2
Where N is the number of guild members

Now we have a formula, we can differentiate it to get the change in wood/boards for each new member at a given size:
Material Cost
Wood 4N
Bricks 8N
If a guild charged new members according to this formula than it shouldn't run out of boards/bricks, however it does mean later members pay substantially more than early ones.

I'm assuming here that the cost to build and then expand the guild is the same as that if the guild were to be built in one stage. Can someone confirm and then delete this line ?

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Last edited October 5, 2004 5:01 pm by Blogot (diff)