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Users > Lisimba


Home area: Red Sea Oasis
Current projects: Pyro
Past projects: Test of the Acrobat, Test of the Vigil, Test of Towers


I've participated in the Ra event and earned the title "Acolyte of Ra" as well as a Furnace of Ra (a mobile smelting pot). This cost me five really good blades though.

Famous Blades I made:


The Mole - Quality 9999. My first perfect shovel :-) Sacrificed to Ra.
Lisimba - Quality 9999. My entry to prove myself to the Priests of Ra. Had to be named after myself.
UNITY One - Quality 9999. Guild shovel.
The Gopher - Quality 9999.
The Fox - Quality 9999.


The Termite - Quality 9902.
Isoptera - Quality 9961. Sacrificed to Ra.
The Mantis - Quality 9999. My first perfect hatchet :-)
The Spider - Quality 9999, Getting the hang of it :-)
The Dragonfly - Quality 9999
Wood Explosion - Quality 9803 (iirc), prize in the pyro contest of 20050724.

Ritual Blades

Lisimba - Quality 9999. Sacrificed to Ra.
Sacrifice The Carpentry Blades - Quality 9533. Started on this but didn't have time to finish it, then needed the anvil, that's why it has such a low quality.

Carpentry Blades

Unnamed - Quality 9083. Sacrificed to Ra. Doesn't count as a true Famous Blade but worth putting here anyway (carp blades are *hard*!).

Test of the Vigil

The below vigil gave me enough points to pass - 5th in the 3d round of passings :-)

My very first vigil was in RSO, at the east peninsula altar. It started approximately 22:30 GMT 4th of october 2004, when I joined some of my guildmates and several people from RSO R&D to try and get some Vigil points. Little did we know about what was going to happen. The hours that followed were eventful and busy, and a lot of fun. I spent over five days of waypoint time shuttling stuff in from our home base. All day long people came and people went, and came back again, I have no idea how many people participated but it must have been dozens upon dozens. Time and again we hit seemingly impossible sacrifice requests, but time and again we satisfied them. In the end it were a simple 18 crucibles that finished it all though. We had several but not enough. The last ones were found minutes before the end, but alas, there was not enough time left to get them to the dying Vigil. It disappeared without a trace just as the sun rose above the horizon, 27 hours after starting, on 01:30 GMT 6th of october 2004. The Vigil was over. We looked around, somewhat unsure of what to do next after having concentrated on the sacrifices so long. Then, slowly, some people started acroing, others went towards the chariot stop to the west, and everybody went their own way. In the end we got a total of 697 sacrifices in, of which I did 58. This gained me a total of 37062 points. Many thanks to the people that helped to start it, the various people who lead the process and distributed the jobs during the Vigil, the people that kept things going during the hours everybody else was sleeping, the people that managed to find impossible things time and again just when everybody was starting to fear it was over, everybody who donated sacrifices, and most of all to the fantastic members of my guild without whom I would never have had all the materials available for my sacrifices!


IAmTara SteelWarrior Trathien



TheMoleLisimbaSeptember 18, 2004 5:42 pm49095My quality 9999 shovel, just before finishing the project.

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Last edited July 24, 2005 3:33 pm by Lisimba (diff)
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