![]() | ![]() See the uncanny resemblance to my avatar?? Yes I was quite tired and had just woken up when that pic was snapped :P |
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About Me
First and foremost, PhotekOBV is one of the 2 nicks I've used over the years, originating in it's current form about 6 years ago. For those wondering wtf?! the OBV stands for, it's Oblivion. Having said that, my full name is Photek Oblivion.
Other names I have been known to go by include Mode6Nine, Mode6, and ModeSix. Mode6Nine originated before PhotekOBV did. Now for a bit of history on that name.
Back in the pre-internet days, there were things called BBS's. A BBS was basically a local access point which had file sharing, some games, maybe message networks (which work sort of like UseNet does now), and if you were really lucky and the BBS had more than one node, you had multi-user chat. They were almost exclusively local, with a few exceptions where SysOps had 1-800 numbers or people were willing to dial long distance and pay the long distance fees to access a BBS that was far away.
Having explained what a BBS is, I will tell you why this is important. I was a member of a 'group' that was centralized on one of these BBS's, and we all had names in sequence. Mode One, Mode Two, Mode Three, etc. (I bet you can see where this is going), I was Mode Nine.
When I finally found the internet, somewhere around mid-1998'ish, I decided I wanted to keep the name, but it just didn't look proper, so after much consideration, I came up with Mode6Nine. No it is NOT Mode Sixty-Nine. It is pronounced Mode Six Nine. I am the only Mode6Nine there is anywhere on the internet, so if someone is saying something about "that stupid mode6nine fellow" they're probably talking about me.
So now that I've wasted all sorts of time on that, I'll explain PhotekOBV. There's really not much to it. Photek is a really great DnB artist, but I knew other people had probably used the Photek name online, so I added my own unique touch, and decided Photek Oblivion was a good name, but needed to abbreviate it (I bet you wish I would abbreviate this meandering huh?), and thus PhotekOBV was born. As far as I know, there are no other PhotekOBV's out there, so this name is also uniquely mine.
I have a rather dull website that you can check out http://www.mode6.net - it is in a rather unfinished state, and has been sitting like that for almost 1 1/2 years now.
I also run a neat game on the server, which dates back to the days of BBS's called Legend of the Green Dragon (originally called Legend of the Red Dragon or LORD for short, but due to copyright reasons the developers of the opensource PhP version had to rename it. You can find the game at http://legend.mode6.net
More to come later! Till then, Keep your Stick on the Ice
Name | Creator | Date | Size | Description |
PhotekOBV.jpg | PhotekOBV | September 27, 2004 2:17 am | 35945 | A Picture of Me |
vigil.jpg | PhotekOBV | September 27, 2004 4:18 am | 33780 | Vigil Scores |