- The Kings of the Nile
- Nile Delta Research Coalition
- TheMob
- Nile Delta Communication
- Safari Hunting Association
- The Rainbow Alter Cove
- Son's of the Desert
- Nile Delta Viticultural Association
Test Progress
| Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | X | X | X | | | | | |
Art | X | | | | | | | |
Body | X | X | | | | | | |
Conflict | X | | | | | | | |
Leadership | X | | | | | | | |
Thought | | | | | | | | |
Worship | X | | | | | | | |
- Initation: Complete
- The Test of Towers: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of the Obelisk: Complete
- The Test of the Megalopolis: Complete
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Khefre's Children: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of the Raeli Mosaic: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Pyrotechnics: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Flight: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of the Acrobat: Actively Pursuing
- The Test of the Singing Cicada: Complete
- The Test of the Darkest Night: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of the Safari: Actively Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Telepathy: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Heket's Rake: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Zhadu: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Yokir: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Mentorship: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Demi-Pharaoh: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Hegemon: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Host: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Covered Cartouche: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Tomb of the Immortal: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Empty Hand: Not Pursuing
- The Venery: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Pulse of the People: Not Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Marriage: Not Pursuing
- The Test of the Vigil: Not Pursuing
- The Path of the Pilgrim: Not Pursuing
- The Test of Festivals: Not Pursuing
Avatar Numbers
- Strength: 2
- Dexterity: 6
- Endurance: 0
- Speed: 9
- Constitution: 0
- Focus: 2
- Perception: 1
Indulgence Numbers
- Gastronomy: 26
- Beer Tasting: 3
- Oenology: 5
- Fumeology: 14
General Stuff
I like mining. I do it alot. If I can't get it from a craft or amalgamation furnace, I don't bother. None of the others are worth the cost to build or operate. Therefore I stick to the high quantity base metals, and their alloys. Iron, copper, steel, brass and bronze, as well as their attendant products.
Note: Thanks to Chichis for the template of this page