Note: This profile format was blatantly stolen from Chichis.
About Me
I'm pretty new to the game, having just started in early December. So far I haven't completed any difficult tests or anything, and the most advanced thing I've made has probably been a Hand Loom. I've enjoyed meeting people in the game, trying to point new immigrants in the right direction (hopefully), and building a gigantic bonfire (now around 6k and climbing), which is secretly competing against the 18k bonfire of
AlphaBob. I'll be satisfied when it's bigger than my compound. Or will I? My crowning achievement is my 9999 hatchet, Axecalibur (this was my 2nd hatchet btw)! On a completely unrelated note, I won't be smithing for a while. Please, no requests*. I'm not a good blacksmith, just stupidly persistent. I may very well have nightmares from that hatchet.
*Requests involving an obscene amount of trading goods may be considered.
- Lower Nubian Academy
- Lower Nubian Chat
- Egyptian Trade Consortium
Test Progress
| Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | X | | | | | | | |
Art | X | | | | | | | |
Body | X | | | | | | | |
Conflict | X | | | | | | | |
Leadership | X | | | | | | | |
Thought | | | | | | | | |
Worship | | | | | | | | |
- Initation: Complete
- The Test of Towers: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of the Obelisk: Passively Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Khefre's Children: Actively pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of the Acrobat: Actively pursuing
- The Test of the Singing Cicada: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of the Darkest Night: Passively Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- The Test of Tug: Passively Pursuing
- The Test of Heket's Rake: Not Yet Pursuing
- The Test of Zhadu: Not Yet Pursuing
- Initiation: Complete
- Test of the Hegemon: Not Pursuing
- Test of the Demipharaoh: Kind of Pursuing
- Initiation: Still incomplete
- Initiation: Still incomplete
- The Test of Marriage: I'm still single, ladies ;)
Test of the Acrobat
Known Moves
Partially Known Moves
I'll put a list of these up next time I'm on.
Perfect Master Teachers
- Xev, Azdanla, Trillian, RaBeseka, Colemana, Beren, MomUFuu
Avatar Numbers
- Strength: 0
- Dexterity: 0
- Endurance: 0
- Speed: 0
- Constitution: 0
- Focus: 1
- Perception: 1
Indulgence Numbers
- Gastronomy: 8
- Oenology: 3
- Fumeology: 1
Message and Comments