I made a wheatextract, and have no clue now. If someone want to try something with it, just ask me
The item can not be macerated, not mixed in a kitchen -- Eigam
I also made a wheatextract, and spent the day looking for how to do something with it. I have tried nearly every building. The clue is "oven mixed with a few common ingredients" -- Sqatsi
Where is the oven part mentioned Sqatsi? I don't see that anywhere. But if so, does bread cook in a bread oven? Have you tried making bread while carrying extract to see if you can add it as an additive? Maybe we need to cook a huge batch of bread with the extract and feed it to the whole of Egypt to vaccinate everyone? -- Spicy
The oven part is mentioned in the translation on the screenshots. I wasted most of yesterday before I found it, the word was omitted on the translation on this main page. I am in the middle of experiments of using the emit/emir mortar, which presumably makes bread, while holding the wheatextract, hoping that I will be given the opportunity to add it at some point. If there is a bread oven separate from the mortar, I've not heard of it yet. -- Sqatsi
Arghh... but it depends totally how you translate the word emyv. When I originally translated it, I got e=o m=v y=e v=n. However, em=wh so it could just as likely, probably more likely even, mean when. Sorry, my fault in not translating it as both options. I think the oven thing may be a red herring? It translates both ways, but the when reads more grammatically. -- Spicy
from the calinder
A particularly robust looking trader, who goes by the name Falaha, has been spotted. Although he speaks an unusual tongue, perhaps communication is possible. What sorts of goods might he have?
Screenshots of our Encounters
Screenshots of the Karnak Encounter
Screenshots of the Kush Encouter Where everyone got sick again...
Screenshots of the Second Kush Encouter Aka, night of the unending, impeading, lag...
Data on Attempted Growings of Wheat
His word | Meaning? | Other Meaning? |
aeu | you | |
ea wovr | I want/need | |
womy | wave | |
wena | womy | |
pteaquplsh | bricks? | |
keylle | Hello |
A prototype CGI translator is available. It translates between Falaha and Egyptian. It's not perfect but it's quick and close enough for the moment.
Nchanter: Keylle, Falaha! Nchanter: Hello, Falaha
Setheri: Falaha, keew de wy krtew emir? Setheri: Falaha, how do we grow wheat?
Krteweavkr emir eash rteaqupla – iquke moteayra krtewsh deaphphytyvrla Growing wheat is tricky – each variety grows differently
Phet eavshrovquy, ea pyleaymy wor ea rtodyd aeu sheny opoquuo emir ayshrytdoa… For instance, i believe that i traded you some abacua wheat yesterday...
Ea plveaw wor wor nushr py krtewv ev quloaeashke sheeal. I kniw that that must be grown on clayish soil.
Eaph aeu’ty leepleavkr phet o shroeav wor krtewsh ev krtoshsh, ea keoppv re keomy sheny weaw ny redoa. If you’re looking for a strain that grows on grass, I happen to have some with me today.
Weash shrtoeav eash myta veaquy – ear olshe krtewv ev deatr, ovd eashv’r osh shyvsheareamy re sheer. This strain is very nice – it also grown on dirt, and isn’t as sensitive to soot.
Ear’sh olshe a shkewhu emir, she ear’sh eav shishev it's also a shemu wheat, so it' in season
ea'n shetta , osh evy eme eash ver o queareathyv eph aeut lovd , ea on ver oply keylp weaw pyreareaevsh i'm sorry , as one who is not a citiren of your land , i am not ake help with petitions
Ea’ll rtody 1:1 phet o toty keytp plvewv osh “rovkryteavy slin” I’ll trade 1:1 for a rare herb known as “tangerine leam”
Ea keomy o rerl eph 500 re rtody I have a totl of 500 to trade
Ea’n leepleavkr phet o toty keytp plvewv eav wyshy potrsh osh “rovkryteavy slin” I’m looking for a rare herb known in these parts as “tangerine leam”
Wyty oty nova shuplreaysh re krteweavkr emir. Ea’n pa ve nivsh ov yxpytr, pur ea uvdytshrovd wor aeut pyeply oty tyveuvyd quevreashrsh, ovd she ea on shuty wor oll shetrsh eph weavkrsh weall py deshquemytyd There are many sukties to growing wheat. I’m by no means an expert, but i understand that your peoke are renouned contists, and so i am sure that all sorts of things will be doscwhered
Ea’ll vyyd re qukeyqupl na rtodeavkr verysh. Ea on eav vyyd eph shymytol ewyt keytpsh. I’ll need to check my trading notes. I am in need of several other herbs.
Ovd ea’ll keomy sheny ewyt shrtoeavsh eph emir. And i’ll have some other strains of wheat
Wyll, wyty oty rwe oquruolla… Well, there are two actually…
Eaa’ll rtody ear yeawyt 1-phet-1 weaw quleavkrteer I’ll trade it either 1-for-1 with clingroot
Et 2 nokeeveao phet iquke emir. Or 2 mahonia for each wheat.
Ea keomy 700 re rtody, eav oll I have 700 to trade, in all
Ea’n ver shuty eaph emor ea eneushr shoead wosh uvdytshrovdoply, emor weaw wy weavd… I’m not sure if what i omoust said was understandake, what with the wind…
Ovd ea keomy o shuppla keyty eph o pytyr emir – myta toty, weash reany eph ait… And i have a supply here of a peret wheat – very rare, [this time of year…
Pur ovawoa, ea’n leepleavkr phet yeawyt quleavkrteer, emeaquke ea’ll rtody 1-1 pht weash toty Pytyr emir… But anyway, i’m looking for either clingroot, which i’ll trade 1-1 fr this rare Peret wheat…
Et nokeeveao, emeaquke ea’ll rtody 2 (nokeeveao) phet 1 (emir) Or mahonia, which i’ll trade 2 (mahonia) for 1 (wheat)
Wor’sh myta pleavd eph aeu, myta weukrkerphul… That’s very kind of you, very thoughtful…
Aeu queuld olwoash rtody ovd wyv shkeoty wy peuvra You could always trade and then share the bounty
Eneushr keovd ny wy quleavkrteer Omoust hand me the clingroot
Ea shreall keomy plyvra lyphr I still have kenty left
Sheavquy weash eash o Pytyr emir, ear weall evla krtew duteavkr wor shishev… Since this is a Peret wheat, it will only grow during that season…
Ovd eavrytyshreavkrla, weash weall krtew ev yeawyt Deatr et shovd… And interestingly, this will grow on either Dirt or sand…
Ea’n ver ov yxpytr ev emir quulreamoreaev pa ova nivsh, pur weshy eme de plvew nety wov ny, oshshuty ny wor shovryteao emir keosh o phyw ewyt uvushuol ptepytreaysh I’m not an expert on wheat cultivation by any means, but those who do know more than me, assure me that santeria wheat has a few other unusual properties
Quytroeavla Certainly
Eneushr kreamy ny yeawyt quleavkrteer et nokeeveao, ovd ea’ll tyrutv wy emir, Omoust give me either clingroot or mahonia, and i’ll return the wheat,
Phten emor ea uvdytshrovd, ear krtewsh ev yeawyt Deatr et shovd – wor’sh uvushuol, sheavquy neshr emir shrtoeavsh evla krtew ev evy rapy eph krteuvd… From what i understand, it gro[w/th]s on ei[w/th]er Dirt or sand –that’s unusual, since most wheat strains only growth on one type of ground…
Ovd ea’my pyyv reld wor wyty oty sheny ewyt uvushuol ptepytreaysh, weukrke wy photnyt eme reld ny weash phoealyd re ylopetory. And i’ve been told that there are some other unusual properties, though the farmer who told me this failed to elaborate.
Keomy aeu keod ova luqupl kreteweavkr wy ewyt shrtoeavsh ayr? Have you had any luck gorowing the other strains yet?
Ver deatyqurla, pur ear noa py wetw worqukeeavkr phet deaphphytyvquysh pyrwyyv wy moteaeush shrtoeavsh Not directly, but it may be worth watching for differences between the various strains
Ea’ll tyrutv renettew phet wehsy eavrytyshryd eav weash neshr phoshqueavoreavkr shrtoeav eph Pytyr emir. I’ll return tomorrow for thoe interested in this most fascinating strain of Peret wheat.
Kreed veakrker, dwyllytsh eph plushke! Good night, dwellers of kush!
Falaha | English |
a | y |
d | d |
ea | I |
e | o |
em | wh |
i | ea |
ke | h |
kr | g |
l | l |
m | v |
n | m |
o | a |
p | b |
ph | f |
pl | k |
qu | c |
r | t |
sh | s |
t | r |
u | u |
v | n |
w | w or th |
y | e |
x | qu |
There was a similar event in Tale 2, see Maragen_Event. Some of the same techniques may be useful.
Name | Creator | Date | Size | Description |
Old-Falaha-Translator | Kifu | June 9, 2007 12:15 am | 1304 | Do not use this one. Use the link at the top of the page to the online one. |