There is no emergency stock available at this time unless you create one so every person needs to have at least the following:
Actually for a comprehensive list I set up this page: ~Shiv
- lint
- sm diamond
- cut stone
- sm sapphire
- cuttable stone
- wood
- rope
- silt
- med emerald
- dried papy
- flax
- limestone
- dung
- papy
- med diamond
- ash
- firebricks
- copper
- Oxy
- slate
- bricks
- beeswax
- lime
- saltpeter
- oil
- catfish
- perch
- sulphur
- flint
- crucible
- cuttables
- gold
- med topaz
- med quartz
- silver
- rotten flax
- flimsy racks
- abdju
- stone blades
- twine
- med topaz
- tungsten
- clay mortars
- grilled fish
- wood
- stone blades
- camel meat
- cc
- sm quartz
- thorns
- copper
- phagrus
- med topaz
- straw
- sm emerald
- carp
- stone blades
- boards
- jugs
- tow
- perch
- cut stones
- silt
- thread
- dirt
- rope
- dried flax
- flimsy brickracks
- papy
- med ruby
- iron
- rope
- med quartz
- rotten flax
- firebricks
- abdju
- dung
- copper
- papy
- med ruby
- sm ruby
- flint
- aluminum
- sm quartz
- linen
- carrots
and anything else you can think of lol...fires are big on gems and especially hard on baskets and papy so stock up on those, i apologize if i became repetitive there are so many things. I advise building 4-5 huge chests near the altar location and filling them all prior to the vigil.
put your name here when your ready: