Demonstrate the Principle:
Show 1 Clay Lamp, 1 Dried Papyrus, 1 Sharpened Stick, 1 Clay, 1 Stone Blade, 1 Limestone and 1 Rope at the University of Thought
Principle demonstrated by: Archilochus (Lower Egypt) On: 31 May 2006
This is an initiation. Passing the Principle passes the Initiation.
Construct a Thoths Puzzle and receive at least 7 votes totaling 250.
Items required:
Important warning: Do not rotate the Thoth's Puzzle project when you place it. Sliding it from side to side is OK, but rotating it will scramble the movement buttons you'll need to place the pinholes and solve the puzzle. For example, if you rotate the puzzle 90 degrees clockwise, then the up arrow will move things to the left, and the right arrow will move them up. (I reported this as a bug in mid October 2006 --- Nebmare)
The aim of Thoth's Puzzle is to click on the floating tile Shape Pieces and move them to cover up all the Pinhole Lights.
Select one by clicking with your mouse and use the controller to turn and move it. The inner buttons move it a little, the outer tabs move it a lot.
When all the lights are covered, the puzzle is solved.