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Users > Calen

Calen's Page

I have been a player since Tale II, but it is only in Tale III that I have really gotten deeply involved in some of the tougher puzzles in the game. I am not big on levels or tests. I help out with research when I can and I am always willing to help others, but I am not ambitious to obtain stature within the game community by passing a lot of tests or doing the most for research, or whatever. I just don't have the time and it isn't that interesting to me anyway. I downright hate Leadership tests. That discipline should be renamed "Gaming" and have done with it.

My first big interest was Viticulture (wine and grape growing), and I still work on new wines, finding new flavors, and creating better hybrids off and on. There are still many mysteries to resolve in that field.

Lately, my main interest has shifted to Beer Brewing. I got into early in Tale III and gave up shortly after because I kept getting bad results about 95% of the time. When my in-game wife showed some interest in it, I decided to really "figure it out" so that she and I would be more likely to get predictable results. The upshot of that was a new version of the old T2 BeerCalc Spreadsheet, renamed the T3 Beer Spreadsheet and packed with a bunch of new features. I am still working on developing the formulas that govern how multi-yeast beers work, but the rest of the spreadsheet works much better than ever before and has pages for Wheat beers, which have just recently become possible in Tale III.

Viticulture (Wines/Vines/Grapes)

Beer Brewing


Please visit these pages to learn about the guilds I am in:

Calen2.jpgCalenJuly 21, 2007 10:05 pm101095Picture of me. Open at own risk!
Hybrid_Vinyards_3.zipCalenOctober 31, 2006 11:26 pm409159

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Last edited September 19, 2007 6:31 pm by Calen (diff)