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Users > Calen > Genetics

The attached spreadsheet has been updated with new genetic sequences as of 6/14/07. Haven't had time to format them for the Wiki, so download the spreadsheet to see my latest conjectures. As you read this page, please feel free to compose comments and insert them below wherever appropriate and include your name so I know who to contact in-game. Many thanks to Eigam and whoever did the initial work on Balance. ~Calen

Grape Vine Genetics

I have done extensive work with Revelation Solvents to try to determine to complete gene sequences for all of the basic vines that we started with. If you want an explanation of how solvents work, please read my Solvents Explanation page.

It is my hope that by doing this research we may be able to use some variation of the spreadsheet I have created to extrapolate the probable gene sequences of existing hybrids. At that point, we should be able to use that data to predict which vines we would be best to create new hybrids with.

Probable Vine Gene Sequences

If you have trouble seeing the entire sequence in your browser, try holding down the Ctrl key while rolling your mouse wheel forward

These are the main group of sequences I am considering right now:

Vine Traits Grapes Possible Genetic Sequences
Amusement GGVV 9 G G G G G R O G R O O O R G G G G G G G G G G R O G R O O O R G G G G G
Appreciation QQQ 10 R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y
Balance SQKCA 9 O O R K Y Y Y G G G R Y Y R Y Y R G G G Y R O G G G R R O O Y Y G G G O
Contemplation QQKK 9 R O G G G G R Y Y R O K R Y Y R G Y R O G G G G R Y Y R O K R Y Y R G Y
Distraction GG 8 G G G G O O R K G G G G G O O O R G G G G G O O R K G G G G G O O O R G
Frivolity ACSSAC 10 K R R O O Y Y G Y Y Y G G G G G Y R Y G G G Y Y Y R R O O Y Y R K R O O
Wisdom KKK 9 G G G O G Y R O G G G G G G G O G Y R O G G G G G G G O G Y R O G G G G
Calixes#22 ACQQS 11 K R R O O Y Y G G G G G Y Y Y G Y R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y R Y Y R
Eigam Copper SQKGG 9 O O R K Y Y Y G G G O O R G G G G G O O G G G R Y Y R O O O R G R Y Y R

TIP: I find it much easier to view these in a spreadsheet format, and I have attached my spreadsheet below. It is in Excel format and it has my choices for the various genes highlighted in different colors.

Alternate Sequences

Here are a few samples of the alternates that are possible given the data I currently have. There are many possible alternate sequences for almost all of the vines.

Vine Traits Grapes Possible Genetic Sequences
Appreciation 2 QQQ 10 R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y R Y Y R Y Y R K G Y R Y
Balance 2 SQKCA 9 O O R K Y Y Y G G G R Y Y G G G O Y Y R G G G Y R O G G G R R O O Y Y G
Frivolity 2 ACSSAC 10 K R O O Y Y Y G G G Y R R O O Y Y G G G G Y Y Y R R O O Y Y R K R R O O
Frivolity 3 ACSSAC 10 K R O O Y Y G G G G Y Y Y R R Y R K R R O O Y Y Y G G G Y R R O O Y Y G

NOTE: The Frivolity 3 sequence (above) shows three OOY sequences, which was one reason I rejected it.


Obviously, I have made a bunch of assumptions in laying out these sequences. Some of the assumptions I made were:


There are still problems to be addressed, among them:

Probable Genes

Based on my research and experiments with combining the results so far, I believe the genes are as follows:

Probable Genes
R R Acid
O O Y Color
O R G Grapes
R Y Y x2 = Quality
O G G Skin (K)
Y Y Y Sugar
O G R Vigor
? ? ? Initial Grapes

NOTE: That Acid seems to be a two-letter sequence (I did not leave out a letter by mistake). Actually, the Acid and Color genes might be switched. I don't have data currently that tells me which one is which definitively. Some of the hybrid data is suggestive, however.

Final Thoughts

Please feel free to shoot my reasoning full of holes! Paste your notes here if you wish, or on the pages for the individual vine sequences. Any help figuring this out is appreciated.

Obviously, it would help if others would do additional research with solvents on several of these vines. But be prepared to get a lot of duplicate results. I basically gave up using more solvents on vines like Distraction and Wisdom because I kept getting tons of GGG, GGGG, and GGGGG sequences again and again. You might want to focus on more interesting vines like Appreciation, Balance, and Frivolity, or perhaps some hybrids. Any additional data would be welcome!

If anyone wants help getting started with this, please let me know. Thanks!


Here's what I came up with from your data: Vine Genetics, scroll to the end. ~Shelyak

Vine_Genetics.xlsCalenJune 14, 2007 11:26 pm323072Updated Vine Gene Sequence Spreadsheet
Vine_Genetics2.zipCalenJune 4, 2007 2:04 pm78939Discontinued version

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Last edited July 24, 2007 8:35 pm by Calen (diff)