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Users > Silverglass > Plantation Route

The current route that i take to tend.

Map of Egypt





Owner ***Location*** ***Progressor*** Notes
Andrealp PASSED no further harvest required
Baldur PASSED no further harvest required
CatharsisQueen PASSED no further harvest required
Enilorac PASSED no further harvest required
Greenish PASSED no further harvest required
Harere PASSED no further harvest required
Hatnofret PASSED no further harvest required
Jolaos PASSED no further harvest required
Judd PASSED no further harvest required
lindie PASSED no further harvest required
lorraine PASSED no further harvest required
MardukXIII PASSED no further harvest required
MaruboII PASSED no further harvest required
Matk PASSED no further harvest required
Nefer-Bast PASSED no further harvest required
Pyx PASSED no further harvest required
Shivani PASSED no further harvest required
Sparkle PASSED no further harvest required
Sunnyone PASSED no further harvest required
Tutincomon PASSED no further harvest required
Yendor PASSED no further harvest required
Zarrehp PASSED no further harvest required
ReddRuby 955, -591 not interested any more

yes (0/3) ... PASSED ... tend 4 more times for seeds ... no further harvest required

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Last edited July 22, 2008 11:05 pm by Silverglass (diff)
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