Paint recipesThujone's Clues
Check out my Herbs for trade page.
I also trade Mushrooms.
See pictures of my Prizewinning Beetles.
I'm working on a Conflict Shrine for Upper Egypt so we don't have to hop the CS to Seven Lakes just to play Reflection. Not that there's anything wrong with Seven Lakes. Our own Conflict Shrine will give us better access to Conflict events, and the acclaim and prizes that they provide.
I've put a huge chest at 1705, 3701 directly behind the Essence of Harmony for donations towards this project. Here is a list of the materials required to build our own Conflict Shrine:
(Plus the cost of a medium construction site.)
This is a big list, but even small donations will help a lot, especially of bricks and boards.
I thought of building a guild to help manage the resources and construction, but I decided that since we'd need a pile of boards and bricks just for a guild, it would take away resources that we needed to build the shrine itself.