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Beta > Foliage

Info Via Penates in the Forums

Wood (Accepts Saltpetre)

Name Ammount Notes
bottle tree 5
date palm ? Don't recall this giving wood, but I may be wrong.
date palm mark II 4
feather tree 4
mini palmetto 2
miniature fern palm 2
spindle tree 4
stout palm 4
towering palm 5

Thorns (Anywhere from 1-50 at once)

Name Notes
saw ground palmetto
spiky yucca
sweet flag
thin-leaf yucca

Other (Stuff that isn't part of top two catagories)

Name Notes
big leaf plant
blue isis headress Name might not be totally correct but you can find tuns at NVoK.
buffalo grass They know what buffalo are in egypt!?
cat's tongue
chiffon funnel plant
cobra weed
curl-tip snake plant
giant lavender stonecrop
golden pampas grass
golden standard
green ground cover
king fern
lamb's ear
night's beauty
red carpet
ripple-leave lily
rosy stonecrop
snake plant
some type of herb I've found several varieties of this
vermillion standard
water leaf
waxy sedge
yellow ground palm
one droopy type tree that has two separators in its menu, but no options.


This foliage is (or will be) in fixed locations and this list does not incorporate other player-generated or harvestable types. For those, please see Tale I entries for Barley, Flax, Flowers, Indonesian Beehives, Papyrus, Thistles, Vegetables, Viticulture (grapes), and Mushrooms. Any questions, please contact Penates.

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Last edited September 2, 2004 9:11 am by Bigboy (diff)