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Beta > Mining Metallurgy > Definitions


The pretty, multi-colored, complexly patterned shiny things sticking out of your ore stone.
A general term for the buildings which smelt ore stones into pure metals, alloys, or other various results.
The pretty, useful, shiny things that drop to the ground when you use a jeweler's pick on some ore stones.
See "gems." Please, for consistency, refer to them as gems.
Jeweller's Pick
An item produced at a casting box that allows you to pick an ore stone apart to look for dirt or gems.
??? (Ore, in its raw form no longer exists. does this term now apply to a smelted metal in general?)
Ore Cart
A cart that can be pushed around, and holds ore stones. Ore carts are the only way to get ore stones to a furnace.
Ore Stones
The product of working a mine. Two spherical boulders on top of eachother possibly with crystals sticking out.
See furnace.
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Last edited August 27, 2004 5:11 pm by Leetah (diff)