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Finding Players

ATITD isn't a huge game in terms of players, but it does have a huge map. And, since there are no NPCs, you may be wondering where everyone is.

Not every region of Egypt is the same when it comes to population density. Egypt is far from crowded, but people do tend to cluster around megalopolises. If you see more than just a few friends on your screen, you've probably run into some sort of special event, like a Takeskot game, pyro event or developer event.

The best way to get to know your fellow citizens of Egypt is to join a guild. There are lots of guilds out there with many different purposes. Don't be shy; ask anyone you meet for the location of the local metaguild.

Another great way to find people is to check out the forums at

Still in a pinch? Come visit us in IRC. There's a java IRC client available at Or, if you have your own client, join, channel #atitd.

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Last edited August 5, 2004 2:38 pm by Ledara (diff)