Any test that is completed can improve a character's title. A character's highest title can be seen by anyone by clicking on the character. For example: "Student of Leadership". If more than one title is tied for the highest rank, then that rank will be displayed as "of X" where X is the word for the number of tests tied. For example: "Prentice of Three". The titles are shown below with the number of tests completed.
Rank Rewards
Initiation Completed
- Ability to begin all Tests of Leadership
- The ability to turn in a petition? with 40 signatures to a University of Leadership to have it voted on by all of Egypt to pass it as a law.
Student (1 Test Completed)
- The ability to turn in a petition? with 25 signatures to a University of Leadership to have it voted on by all of Egypt to pass it as a law.
- The ability to be one of the trusted as part of The Test of Trust. The person being trusted must have a higher rank in Leadership than the person doing the test.
Test Rewards
- The ability to permanently ban 7 other people who are not themselves Demi-Pharaohs from Egypt.
- The ability to be immune to the above ban.
- For every mentor shrine built in your honor that you meditate on, you receive mentor points which can be exchanged for various different rewards of your choice.
- every time you pass the Test of Patronage, you may post a message to the system channel, and set a global waypoint. The global waypoint will last for 1 hour.
(See Also: tests)