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Ritual Of Plant Growth

The Ritual of Plant Growth is a skill taught by the University of Progress. The ritual is performed at a common altar, and will increase barley and vegetable yields.

The ritual may only be performed at an altar which has been used for no other purpose for seven days. All other uses will interfere with the ritual: Bedouin runners annointing the altar, alignment testing, weddings, and so forth.

The ritual:

The seeds are not used up in the ritual.

Performing the ritual will surround a person with a "fertile aura" for eight hours. During this period, their harvests of cabbage, barley, onion, and leeks will be substantially increased. Other vegetables are not affected.

Growing vegetables in abnormally low yield areas (polluted, low water, crowding, etc.) may give less or none of the +15 bonus.

Per the UoP And Trial Accounts Law, trial accounts may not learn this tech.

Laws have been passed reserving a number of altars for the ritual:
               Map of Egypt




Location Region Usable?
-2282, 6341 Valley of Kings Yes
-1526, 4424 Valley of Kings yes
-669, 6585 Cat's Claw Ridge yes
561, -1324 Seven Lakes yes
1367, 4245 River Plains yes
1566, -956 Seven Lakes yes
561, -1324 Seven Lakes yes
1653, 5908 Desert of Nomads yes
1700, 7100 Desert of Nomads yes
1126, 4861 Midland Valley yes
-767, 401 Desert of Shades yes
2424, 5071 Sinai Yes
941, 6266 Old Egypt Yes
5020, 3054 Razor's Edge No
381, -6520 South Egypt Yes

When a law passes to reserve a new altar it takes about a week TeppyTime for it to become usable. [More accurately, when it is implemented, it takes about a week to become usable. It has been known to take more than 8 weeks from passing the law to implementation]

I'll get a link to the laws in question just as soon as we get our automated law library feed in. -- Kem
For those, like me, who have never had altar "left" and "right" explained with regards which side of the altar is which, if you stand inside the "curve" of the altar, you start with the cabbage to your far left. --Siofra

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Last edited June 27, 2004 4:10 pm by Solalique (diff)