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Sphinx Progress

This page is to track people's progress in the The Riddle Of The Sphinx to give an indication of how close we are to getting an Oracle of Thought.

How YOU can help

Even if you are not already high in the discipline of thought, you have an important part to play in helping someone, anyone, pass.

Firstly need people to be rating and answering riddles, so go visit your local Sphinx. You don't have to have passed Thought Initiation to answer riddles Sphinx Locations

If you cannot participate because you haven't passed the Initiation into Thought contact antichaos in game and I'll point you towards a pyramid you can use. If you have a pyramid available, preferably near a mega, please also let antichaos know. Down in 7L FoA have two rigged thought init pyramids around 1965 -855, chat any Followers of Anubis member if you wish to use one of them.

However, the biggest problem is that there have to be at least 400 (ish) riddles available to be rated for the sphinx to offer one for rating at all. That means 400 riddles which never get to the answering phase. To combat this, we need as many people as possible to enter their 21 riddles, even if they are complete junk. If your riddle gets 7 votes and is rated below 400 (common), please remove it from the answer pool and resubmit it (or something better) for rating. This way those who need to get 7 of their riddles to be rated noble and achieve appropriate difficulty have at least some chance of doing so.

Teppy revealed that once a riddle has achieved appropriate difficulty, you retain credit for that riddle even if you then remove it. This is great news as it means we can have a much larger pool of active riddles. I urge everyone to remove any and all riddles that are either common, or have been answered 21 times, regardless of difficulty. Then submit new riddles.

Sphinx Progress

Update: Teppy said he will change passing to 7 NR on Sunday August 8th

NR stands for 'Noble Riddles'

Name Rank in Thought Noble Riddles being asked "Perfect" Riddles Riddles being rated
Rhyddereh Journeyman 1 3 20
Bigboy Sage - 4 -
Rehpic Sage 2 1 15
Ygerna Oracle! 12 7 4
antichaos Sage 15 7 1
Hekatef Master 5 9 16
homegrown Master 7 3 13
Tweetiti Journeywoman 3 2 6
Djehuty Journeyman 2 1 15
Brant Prentice 4 4 13
Yargh Prentice 3 2
Rana Journeyman 9 2 12
zisoni Prentice 9 5 3
Ptenkhet Prentice 11 5 6
Dors Student 2 6 19
amelista Student 3 4 18
Solalique Student 1 3 9
Sigil Initiate 4 0 16
Var-LeTha Prentice ~10 7 1
Sarika Initiate 14 0 7
Cleindora Initiate 5 0 16
Sarra Initiate 8 7 6

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Last edited August 23, 2004 7:19 am by Brant (diff)