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Users > Alicesmile

Ohhh arent we the nosy one?! Well while you are here I may as well give you a lesson in the wonders that are Alicesmile :)

In Game

Here is a lovely picture of me at my gazebo :D

I live at -488 5128 South CCR
Im married to Corso (the nicest guy in Egypt)
My goal is to become Whore of Egypt


Im not really a tests person (see above goal!) but for end game/monument purposes heres what ive bothered with:

Arch: Mega
Body: Takeskot (great game!)
Leadership: Trust
Worship: Marriage (awww) Pilgrimage

Proud to be in the following guilds:

Please come visit me at -487 5129, or come and enjoy my gazebo at -485 5120 or perhaps even tithe my pilgrim shrine with one Bleeding Hand Mushroom at -486 5117.


Other interesting things!
Paint Recipes
Beer Recipes
Raeli Tiles

Beta Pages


Alicesmile.jpgAlicesmileApril 24, 2004 9:52 pm116858Me!
BunniesAlicesmileApril 24, 2004 9:52 pm116858wants to be deleted

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Last edited August 20, 2004 7:21 am by Alicesmile (diff)
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