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Buildings > Kettle


A kettle is used for reducing various liquids by boiling.

There are two methods used for the kettle:

Output Input Method
5 potash 5 ash, 25 water in jugs stoked
50 Flower Fertiliser 1 catfish, 1 perch fish, 1 tilapia fish, 5 water in jugs, 5 wood non-stoked, requires Horticulture
50 Grain Fertiliser 1 carp fish, 5 water in jugs, 5 wood non-stoked, requires Barley Cultivation
50 Weed Killer 1 Toad Skin Mushrooms, 5 water in jugs, 5 wood non-stoked, requires Barley Cultivation
25 sulfur 25 Sulphurous Water stoked, requires Desiccation 1
3 salt 25 Coconut Water stoked, requires Desiccation 2
3 acid 25 Sulphurous Water, 1 salt stoked, requires Desiccation 3

To build:


Built: in a compound, uses 5x5 cells

Skill/Tech required: Cooking


Details on operation

One stoked run of the kettle:
  1. load requirements
  2. Ignite (cost 5 wood)
  3. burns off 1 wood in lighting
  4. fire burns till 0 (4 wood)
  5. at 0 wood stoke 4; water is at 24 now
  6. at 0 wood stoke 5; water is at 20 now
  7. at 0 wood stoke 5; water is at 15 now
  8. at 0 wood stoke 5; water is at 10 now
  9. at 0 wood stoke 5; water is at 5 now.
  10. let burn out. - to not waste time+wood, make sure that "water" and "wood" are at the same amount, otherwise the extra wood will keep burning wasting time.
  11. you will get an option to take the product (don't discard ;) )

In total you will need 29 wood per kettle (assuming no mistakes), and it can get rather hectic running multiple kettles if you run out of wood....

Total process takes about 14 teppy minutes (30 teppysec per tic).

If you run out of wood, you can always ignite with more wood after, it may take more time but it works.

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Last edited April 25, 2005 12:45 am by FaceAnkh (diff)