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Skills > Salvage Techniques

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Salvage Techniques

Allows the partial recovery of building materials when tearing down a building.

Salvage Techniques is taught at Schools of Architecture, Art, and Conflict. Each type of school teaches a different level of the skill; therefore it is currently possible to achieve skill level 3. Higher levels of Salvage Techniques allow a greater proportion of recovered materials.

School of Architecture
200 firebricks
School of Art
400 beeswax
School of Conflict
4 Canary Granite, 4 Night Granite, 4 White Travertine

Salvage return rates:

(? = guesses, needs measuring)

Data and Observations

It seems that Salvage 1 results in a chance of around 70% to salvage anything. in around 50-60% of the cases where you salvage, you get half the cost of the building, in around 30-40%, you get 75%, and in under 10%, you get 100% of the cost. Also, when you salvage a building that still has items inside (like a small distaff), you get everything that was inside the building back.

From T1, and seems to hold in T2: There seems to be a fixed base proportion of materials you get back. The variation from the base seems to be + or - a few units. So when a building contains a small number of an item, the variation is significant. When the building contains a large number of the item, it is much less so. You will see when salvaging buildings that contain, for example, thousands of bricks, that the return will be quite close to the base proportion. The base proportions appear to be: level 1 -- 1/2; level 2 -- 2/3; level 3 -- 3/4; [level 4 -- 4/5, based on T1 information] -- Sola

School of Worship
300 leather, 300 papyrus paper, 300 glass rods

But this facet remains unknown to our generation.

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Last edited September 27, 2005 8:31 am by miceless (diff)