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Sunset > Venery > Papyrus Spoiler

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Welcome Message

Welcome to the RSO Sunset Area!
This Venery is a straightforward self-guided tour of our Papyrus Loop and of the Sunset Facilities that are available to our guests and guildmembers.
Please type /clockloc in your chat bar to display the time and location floater.
It will help keep you sane.
You can also use the F3 thumbnail map to see where you're going.
Most of the objects in the game will now have a new "Search for Keys" menu.
Please click on the Venery again, and "Search for Keys."

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Obelisk 1476 2242

Congratulations! We hope you enjoyed our Sunset Papyrus Tour. Please vote on the Venery now, to help the Designer pass the Test of the Venery.
We'd also encourage you to take the Sunset Mountain Tour, our showcase Venery. Sunset National Park is beautiful, especially so at Sunrise and Sunset. The Venery itself is a moderately difficult puzzle, rather than a guided tour.
If you're really feeling pretty smug, take on our Sunset Obstacle Course.

The theoretical model for Papyrus is that planted seeds float downstream for a while before they find a spot to grow. Seeds that you plant using a pinned menu, starting here and heading North, planting one seed every few paces, will grow 200 coordinates to the North, 11 minutes from now. We use Ruby Torches to mark the significant transition points for planting Papyrus, and have used three of those same Ruby Torches as starting points for the branches of the Sunset Papyrus Tour.
1) The Torch at Y=2240 (where you are now) is the beginning of our Papyrus planting run, and is the start of the Test and Graphics branch.
2) The Torch at Y=2440 is where your first Papyrus will grow, and is the start of the Compound and Equipment branch.
3) The Torch at Y=2600 is where you'll stop planting Papyrus, and is the start of the Guild and Support branch.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Tests 1477 2241

If you light a Glass Torch, which takes 10 Oil, it will burn for 30 minutes. You can therefore use the Glass Torches to indicate that you are currently Planting and Gathering Papyrus.
If you light the Torches, the members of Sunset Papyrus and other sophisticated players will try to find you before we make a Papyrus Planting and Gathering run, but we don't generally use the Torches ourselves unless we are running experiments. Rather, we merely expect folks to plant 1 Seed for every 2 Papyrus that they gather, and we claim no sort of exclusive ownerhsip over any Papyrus that we may have planted.
When Torches are lit, it's polite to check with other folks that you can find on the Papyrus Loop, because not everyone is comfortable with the intricacies of the Shared Harvest model, preferring rather to treat Papyrus as one more kind of vegetable.
If the Torches are not lit, you're free to gather "Wild" Papyrus on your initial pass, as it was probably planted by a Sunset Papyrus guildmember or planted by a sophisticated player who reseeded the area in accordance with the Shared Harvest model. If you want an accurate production count, you should clear the loop before you start planting Papyrus.
Key Clue: Near the main bridge, just North of the Welcome Banner, at 1440 2356, you'll find a building, five buildings really, that are marked with Roman Numerals. Drop the Building Walls in order, to view the animated sculpture that was created by ArmEagle. The empty sculpture base contains the next key.
Hint: We'll toss in a Hint as well. Head North and click on the Glass Torch at 1458 2440 for additional hints and details. Each branch of the Venery begins with a Glass Torch.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - ArmEagle 1440 2356

The important concept on this sculpture is that the base controls visibility. If the walls on a compound are up, nothing related to that space is rendered and you won't be able to see that particular part of the sculpture.
Key Clue: Now you need to help Little Bo Peep find her sheep. Directly west of here, at 1404 2351, you'll find 3 sheep. There's also a 4th sheep at 1399 2339 that's very tricky to see. Find them all. As the sheep are all more than 7 coordinates from the sculpture base (where the key is located), you won't be able to see them unless the sculpture base is in your field of view. Use a high F7 view if you want to see all 4 sheep at once.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): The key you need for this lockbox is located South of here at 1477 2241, near the Sunset Obelisk. Each branch of the Venery begins at a Glass Torch.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Bo Peep 1396 2351

The lesson here is about how sculptures are rendered. The very important concept is that Compounds render just like sculptures. You won't see the walls unless the base of the compound is within your field of view OR when you are within 7 coordinates of the base. Rendering behavior can be very baffling if you don't understand how it works.
Key Clue: Head south to the pyramid that's across the road from the Obelisk. Play the Set's Ladder to help the current designer pass their Thought Initiation. Check with one of the Sunset Venery members if you would like to set up a design for your own initiation.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): East of here, across the road near /info Sunset Papyrus, look for some Roman relics.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Thought 1479 2225

You don't need to build your own Pyramid of the People, there are several that you can borrow, but you do need to design a Set's Ladder and achieve a score of 100 to pass your Initiation to Thought. Before you can help design a Venery, you need to pass the Thought Initiation and sign up for the Test of the Venery.
Key Clue: Your next stop is across the road an a bit to the south, on the riverbank. You're looking for a sculpture that's just across the lagoon from the Obelisk.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Directly north of here, across the road from the bridge, find the base for the Bo Peep sculpture. It contains the key you need for this lockbox.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Art and Music 1479 2225

Egypt has some remarkable art. You'll need to build a sculpture of your own to pass your Art and Music Initiation, so do yourself proud.
Key Clue: You could almost wade to your final stop on this leg of the Sunset Papyrus Tour. The dock is located right beside the Obelisk.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Find the Pyramid that's west of here, across the road and a bit to the north. It contains the key that you need for this lockbox.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Voyage - 1479 2239

The Test of the Cartouche is one of the more interesting tests of Leadership, because of the interpersonal dynamics, and you get to build some really cool objects.
Key Clue: This is one of the three keys (altogether there will be eighteen keys on your Tests > Venery > Keyring) that you need to unlock the Venery Base and finish the Tour. Each branch of the Venery begins with a Glass Torch.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): You can almost wade to the Sculpture that you're looking for. It's at 1479 2225.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Compounds - 1458 2440

A seven point star is the actual Egyptian Hieroglyph for Papyrus. If you started planting Papyrus Seeds at the Sunset Obelisk 10 minutes ago, near 1475 2240, the Papyrus you just planted will soon be blooming right before your eyes.
Because this Papyrus Loop draws a lot of users, the Sunset Papyrus guild promotes a Shared Harvest model for Planting and Gathering Papyrus, rather than an Exclusive Use model. We would enourage you to overplant on your final run of the day, thereby reseeding some "wild" Papyrus for the next visitor, and just head for the mountain drying complexes as soon as your pockets are full on your final run.
Key Clue: Southwest of here, toward the hills, across the road, and a ways to the south, there's an Anvil and some other metalworking facilities that you should check out.

Hint: We'll toss in a Hint as well. Look for a Glass Torch at 1454 2600, which is 200 coordinate shy of the next bridge, and is consequently the end of the Planting area for our Papyrus Loop.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Anvil 1415 2394

Once you have some Iron (check /info EMC for the location of some high quality mines and take some charcoal with you) you can use a Craft Furnace to smelt the Ore, and then use the Student's Casting Box to make a set of tools. With the three hammers, plus a Tungsten Chisel as well, you can use the Anvil to make Shovels, Hatchets, and Carpentry Blades.
Key Clue: You can off-line Wayport Time, Wood, Carrots, Onions, Grass, and what else?? Maybe the Terrarium at 1420 2357 will jog your memory.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Go directly west toward the river, a bit north of the Date Palms, and click on the Glass Torch at 1458 2440 for additional hints and details. Each branch of the Venery begins with a Glass Torch.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Terrarium 1420 2357

The Test of Kephre's Children is a precursor for both Fruit Trees and then Beer, and for Silkworms and then Festivals. If you haven't found any of your own, we can loan you a few Wild Beetles so you can get started, and we have plenty of junk Beetles that you can use for experiments, although your percentage ownership will not be high enough for competition.
Key Clue: The compound with most of our basic resources support is south of the RSO bridge, right on the water. Go to 1459 2310, and find the Hand Loom, and search for your next key.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): If you wanted to make a Shovel or a Hatchet, you'd need to use an Anvil, like the one we have just to your north in the compound at 1415 2394.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Hand Loom 1459 2310

View the contents of the Chest just to the left of the Hackling Rack. Initiates in Sunset Papyrus are welcome to use and replace these seeds. One of your first major journeys will be a visit to the UWorship near each of the 12 Chariot Stop to collect 12*4=48 seeds of your own.
Hackling Rakes and Hand Looms are one technological step up from the Flax Comb and Student Loom that you used on the island. They're not any faster, but they last a lot longer due to the metal components. Automation is the next step. There's a Flax Gin and tow Autolooms just to your left, and there are three Brick Machines by the Camel Pen.
Key Clue: Head for the trees along the road west of here and gather some wood. The obvious place to locate a board factory is right in the middle of a grove of trees. Click on the middle Carpentry Bench for your next clue.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Kephre's Children deserve an elegant building. You'll find it at 1420 2357, just West of the RSO bridge, near the Voting Booth.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Boards 1388 2312

Carpentry Benches are the next step up from Wood Planes. Once again, the metal blade lasts longer than a stone blade. This is a good time to explain about Hot Keys. ESC > Utility > Chat Related and select "Chat Windows can be minimized". Now either press Enter while on a null line or click on the open chat tab. Your keyboard entries will now be Hot Keys for whatever device your cursor is hovering over. Collect some wood, hover over a Carpentry Bench, and press "P". Now cycle all of the Carpentry benchs at once.
Now head back over to the compound by the Greenhouses. There should be some Wet Jugs setting on the Pottery Wheels. Try looking INSIDE of the Camel Pen using an F5 view with a close zoom. You'll find 5 more Pottery Wheels. Use the Kilns (try the hot keys) to dry some Wet Jugs, gather some Clay, and make some replacement jugs for the next person.
Key Clue: Glass is one of the basic technologies. Go over to the south end of that compound and click on the Kettles and Glaziers Benches to see what you'll need to learn, and then click on the big round Gloryhole and search for your next key.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): East of here, on the river at 1459 2310, by the Greenhouses, click on the Hand Loom.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Glory Hole 1466 2298

Bonfires can be used to Grill Fish (for endurance food), to convert Limestone into Lime, and you can burn Dried Papyrus in a Bonfire to produce Ash and Charcoal. Ash, in turn, can be converted to Potash in a Kettle. If you then take the Charcoal, Lime, and Potash out to our local source of White Sand you'll have everything you need to make Fine Glass Rods. Kettles can also be used to make Salt from Coconut Water, once you have the Desiccation Skill. An Acid Bath, such as the one at 1470 2264 in the Pyrotechics Compound, along with Acid and Potash, is a key element for making the metal salts that you'll need for Fireworks. But we digress!
Key Clue: What you're really looking for is the Gem Table at 1474 2258, in a separate section of that same compound, next to the Water Mine.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): West of here, in a grove of trees near the road, you'll find a Compound with eight Carpentry Benches. Click on the middle one and "Search for Keys."

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Gem Table 1474 2258

Cuttable Gems are washed out of the mountians and down into the river, where they settle in the muddy river bottom. The Water Mine allows you to find these Cuttable Gems. You have to retrieve a new gem within about 60 seconds or it will wash away.
Gems cut on the red table, for the Test of the Bijou, are free, so the Bijou table is an excellent place to practice without wasting gems.
Key Clue: This is one of the three keys that you will need to unlock the Venery Base. Each branch of the Venery begins at a Glass Torch.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): If you want to best appreciate fine wine, you'll need to learn how to use the Glory Hole at 1466 2298.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Guilds 1454 2600

Papyrus grows between 150 and 200 coordinates North of where you plant it, depending on how fast the river is flowing at that point. As the DoS bridge is at 2800, and you'll be crossing that bridge to get to the east side of the river, you should stop planting Papyrus Seeds until you're across the bridge and are heading South, back down to 2600, on the east side of the River.
Key Clue: There are three public Guilds in the Sunset Group: Papyrus, Enterprises, and Projects. The fancy Guildhall at /info Sunset Enterprises, in the caldera southwest of here, is where you'll find your next key.
Hint: Each branch of this Venery begins with a Glass Torch. Three of the four Glass Torches on the west (this) side of the Nile are related to the Sunset Papyrus Tour.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Sunset Enterprises 1240 2229

Sunset Enterprises is our residential guild. It controls all of our medium and advanced technology equipment. When you're ready to build your Tent, you'll be ready to apply for membership in Sunset Enterprises.
Key Clue: Type /info Sunset Papyrus in your chat bar to locate our Mentoring Guild, or simply head east towards the RSO bridge.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Each branch of the Sunset River Tour begins with a Glass Torch. The key you need can be found in the middle of our Papyrus Gathering Area, at 1454 2600.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Sunset Papyrus 1423 2331

Sunset Papyrus is the Mentoring Guild for the Sunset Group. If you are new to Egypt, are new to the Red Sea Oasis Sunset Area, if you simply like Papyrus, or if you enjoy mentoring, you're encouraged to apply for membership in Sunset Papyrus. Most of our members actually live in other parts of Egypt, and it's wonderful to have friends wherever you might travel.
Key Clue: Your next key is attached to the Welcome Banner at 1430 2396.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Your next key is in the caldera that's directly west of here, near the road. Type /info Sunset Enterprises for the exact location.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Welcome Banner 1430 2396

Once you've joined the Sunset Papyrus guild, we'll usually assign a Trade Chest for your convenience. Later, when you build a Tent, you'll be eligible for membership in Sunset Enterprises, and access to the equipment in the compound just across the road.
Key Clue: Your next key is in our Mentor Shrine Garden at 1469 2240.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Type /info Sunset Papyrus for the location of the key that you need for this lockbox, or simply head south to the bridge intersection.

from Sunset Papyrus Tour - Mentor Shrine 1469 2240

If you appreciate the effort that folks have made to support you during your first few weeks in Egypt, you should encourage them by building your single Mentor Shrine in their Honor, and thereby encourage them to continue supporting new members rather than wandering off and doing something that's more rewarding. You should also consider becoming a Mentor yourself. It's an excellent way to meet new people and gain new friends, but Mentoring can also break your heart. Cleaning up when someone leaves, even under the most favorable of circumstances, is not a fun thing to do.
Key Clue: This is one of the three keys that you'll need to unlock the Venery Base. There are eighteen keys in all. You can check for them under ESC for your avatar menu, Tests > Venery > Keyring. Each branch of the Venery begins at a Glass Torch.

Lockbox Hint (you still need a key): Visiting the the Welcome Islands, via a Welcome Banner like ours at 1430 2396, is an excellent way to meet new players.

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Last edited April 29, 2006 5:19 pm by MarvL (diff)