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Atlas > Aqueduct Locations

                                                                                     Map of Egypt






Region Location Name Route Contacts
Upper Egypt 1391, 3438 Life Line Built
23 towers in 2 lines
Seven Lakes 1030, 1578 The Eighth Lake 1100k cistern, height 400
over 80 towers, over 70 passes
UHarmony semicircle to UArch, and Man Lake spur for principles
Kush 755, -3152 Kush Water Works 138 Towers Built - 128 Towers passed!
1100k cistern, height 700
We are still accepting new Members.
Act soon... the tale may end soon!
Only 22 more Openings are planned!
Singh/Balthazarr - our public wiki @
Kush Water Works
A division of KPW
Seven Lakes 786, 1183 Southern 7L Aquaduct Project under development Tactician
Karnak 707, -269 Camel Sands 600k cistern, height 500,
7 towers running South-East
Karnak 1018, -2328 Insane Egyptian's River Project Built Lindie or Amy
Karnak 759, -914 South Nile Aqueduct Improvement League Built from nile to UBody, 2. line from nile to cs,
700k cistern, height 300, 60+ towers
Dedenav, RexBaron or Eigam
Karnak 1489, -883 Karnak Water and Power 23 Towers running east from CS Gumby
Lower Egypt 909, 6540 Lower Egypt Water Works 36 Towers Built, 50+ Planned
The route runs from Pi Bridge and Past the CS
Sinai 3099, 4373 Fallen Aqueduct Built Figrin, Hasani, Myn or Preladon
Qatara 109, 7323 [Trickle to Qatara]? 13 Towers built Zumal, Amnhotep, and a load of others
Khartoum 541, -6136 Khartoum Waterworks Built TonyG
Karnak 1439, -1291 Funnybone Water And Power Built and still growing Justin
Desert of Shades -736, 2674 Drench The Sahara Pump is built, first towers are going up. Twokay , Krakos
Lower Egypt 831, 6112 Shadow Caste Aqueducts LE UArt > NW Degas
Karnak 860, -1507 The Fumeologist Society East from the nile, NE near the chariot. DRY.
Upper Egypt 2020, 3808 We Want Water (WWW) Built. 20 towers, still growing, starts at the Red Sea, ends at UE CS Antigona, talos

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Last edited August 12, 2008 12:17 am by sparkle (diff)