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Guilds > Kush Public Works > Water Works

Super Bowl 2008 Tower Raffle

We are Raffling off 4 New Aqueduct Towers to players up to level 25 who are NOT yet signed up with the Kush Water Works and have not passed The Test of Life yet.

Click Here For Details : Super Bowl 2008 Tower Raffle

** Welcome To Kush Water Works **

Please read all sections described on this page to familiarize yourself with our Organization.

Links, that connect our pages ...

Aqueduct Line

We had a route planned out as a general guide. Ofcause it didnt survive actual contact with reality.
I moved the Map, Tower Locations, Yields and Tentative Route to a Sub Page.
I was considering this just to annoy everyone, however, I believe it is better on a page all by itself: The Aqueduct Line

Super Bowl Tower Raffle

We are Raffling off 4 Low contributor Towers to players up to level 25 who are NOT yet signed up with Kush Water Works. Towers will have the Build numbers 61-64.

For Details see Link below

And The Winners Are: janka , sefira , morrigan , chic Congratulations to all.

Some thoughts on the Kush Water Works Project

The Test of Life and a good Aqueduct System is a very expensive venture, but if done properly, we can pass many people and provide a very useful resource to the region.
Aqueduct System Benefits

In addition to being a test pass, there are Five major benefits to having an Aqueduct System.
* The Vegetable Bonus - Near various towers there are triple yield vegetable harvests bonus area. Vegetables are grown here just like any other place, you just get 3 times as many vegetables when you harvest them.
* Growing Herbs - Herb seeds can only be planted near some aqueduct towers.
* The Attribute Bonus - You can drink from a tower and will get a 24 teppyhour (~27 RL hrs) +1 boost to a single attribute. The attribute boosted is in addition to permanent stats and in addition to food. This is especially useful when your Strength and Dexterity are not the same and you can drink to boost the lower stat to have 500 more carry.
* Moss Growth - A different varieties of moss grow at each tower. Moss is used for other tests and for monuments and for some research.
* Convenient Water - No need to run to the river or a lake or pond if there is a tower nearby.
* And.... There are the Principles and a Level :)

Concept, T2 Example & The Lottery System

Technical Stuff

BOLDED GEARS Overlap for both halves of the Gearbox. Please Double check the ratios listed below and boxes before building any gearboxes, was half asleep while setting up the gears. -Balthazarr

Gearbox Values Values Status A, B or C Ratio Gears F, G or H Ratio Gears
1 C421-C518 H338-H416 (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3) (6/5/3) * (6/5/3)
2 A133-A156 H34-H40 (5/3) * (5/6) (3/5) * (3/5)
3 B470-B573 G196-G243 (6/5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3) (6/5/3)
4 C479-C589 G242-G298 (5/3) * (5/3) * (6/5/3) (5/3) * (5/3)
5 A108-A132 H225-H261 (6/5) (6/5) * (6/5/3)
6 C437-C542 H131-H157 (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3) (5/3) * (5/6)
7 B402-B498 H452-H556 (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3) (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3)
8 C245-C299 H378-H465 (5/3) * (5/3) (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3)
9 B101-B116 F169-F206 (5/3) * (5/6) * (5/6) (6/5/3)
10 C389-C486 G364-G451 (6/5/3) * (6/5/3) (6/5/3) * (6/5/3)
11 B477-B587 H267-H315 (5/3) * (5/3) * (6/5/3) (5/3) * (5/3)
12 A357-A439 H403-H467 (6/5/3) * (6/5/3) (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3)
13 B247-B309 G57-G67 (5/3) * (5/3) (3/5)
14 C12-C14 G232-G283 (3/5) * (3/5) * (3/5) * (3/5) (5/3) * (5/3)
15 C145-C167 H154-H188 (5/3) (5/3)
16 B149-B173 H383-H440 (5/3) (6/5/3) * (6/5/3)
17 B42-B49 H404-H465 (3/5) * (3/5) * (6/5) (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3)
18 B64-B75 G103-G128 (6/5) * (3/5) (6/5)
19 B450-B545 F20-F25 (5/3) * (5/3) * (5/3) (3/5) * (3/5) * (3/5)
20 B60-B70 F357-F436 (3/5) (6/5/3) * (6/5/3)

Veggies * Veggies * Veggies

Location Veggie / Item Yield / Notes Veggie Spotter
A whole bunch south of deeva Cabbage 30 Cabbage Balthazarr
1632, -4660 Cabbage 34 Cabbage Sissue
1720, -4670 Leeks 34 Leeks Sissue
1720, -4670 Garlic 14 Garlic Sissue
804, -4382 Eggplant 18 Eggplant singh
811, -4106 Eggplant 19 Eggplant singh
0000, -0000
0000, -0000
0000, -0000
0000, -0000
0000, -0000

Information that has been provided AFTER the pump was build is unfortunatly
difficult to consider, as we see in the example of the cabbage(34) Leek(34).
There is no way we can build our Line into that area


Abandoned Mats & Chests

Our old Fond Page: Temp

Aquaduct.jpgBalthazarrJanuary 26, 2007 1:02 am39139Aquaduct.jpg
Aqueduct-Header.jpgsinghFebruary 14, 2007 4:00 am55307Aqueduct of the Ancients
Aqueduct-Header2.jpgBalthazarrFebruary 15, 2007 3:42 am191606Aqueduct-Header2.jpg
sandroute.jpgBalthazarrJanuary 14, 2007 7:27 pm294179sandroute.jpg

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Last edited June 19, 2008 1:57 am by singh (diff)