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Tests > Test Of The Covered Cartouche > Cartouche Groups > Karnak August Group-4 Rank-1

Group Members

Isisinacrisis, Zarrehp, Korrin, Dionysius, Minion, Mabe, Apkhu, Ryyssa, Moira, SpoonerandForker, BubbaHotep, Harere

I want to apologize to everyone for leaving so suddenly. My cable was unexpectedly turned off, and I was only able to get it re-hooked up today 8/22. If you have stuff stored in the chest, Harere is doing the calculations of what is left and I will get it all back to you. Please chat me when you are on, and I will get it to you. Love, Korrin

What Who STASHED To Be Returned
sheet glass Apkhu 16 11
Brown Paint Apkhu 73 67
Greenish Paint Apkhu 29 22
Yellowish Paint Apkhu 100 70
Oyster Shell Marble Dionysius 10 8
Mud Granite Harere 10 8
Oyster Shell Marble Harere 10 7
Mud Granite Isisinacrisis 10 8
Canvas Korrin 1 0
Cut stone Korrin 100 80
gold Korrin 42 32
Linen Korrin 160 126
Rope Korrin 4 0
sheet glass Korrin 29 22
Lapis: QT Korrin 1 1
Amethyst: LG Korrin 1 1
Brown Paint Korrin 27 21
Crimson Paint korrin 11 9
Greenish Paint Korrin 71 55
Indian Red Paint Korrin 100 78
Turquoise: LG Korrin/Hounddog 1 1
Jade Mabe 1 1
Mud Granite Mabe 8 7
Crimson Paint Mabe 89 71
Violet Red Paint Mabe 100 82
Pinkish Paint Mabe 100 82
Twine Ryyssa 360 288
Garnet: QT Ryyssa 1 0
Garnet: LG Ryyssa 1 1
Mud Granite Spoon 2 2
Oyster Shell Marble Spoon 10 7

What was recovered...

Hugechest owned by Korrin at egypt 1397 -824
    80 Cut Stone
    32 Gold
     1 Jade
   126 Linen
    25 Mud Granite
    22 Oyster Shell Marble
    34 Sheet Glass
   288 Twine
     1 Cut Amethyst:Looking Glass
     1 Cut Garnet:Looking Glass
     1 Cut Lapis:Queen's Tomb
     1 Cut Turquoise:Looking Glass
    79 Paint:Brown
    80 Paint:Crimson
    40 Paint:Dark Green
    37 Paint:Dark Olive Green
    82 Paint:Deep Pink
    78 Paint:Indian Red
    82 Paint:Violet Red
    80 Paint:Yellow

VOTING BOOTH JUST NORTH OF KARNAK CS ON LEFT SIDE OF ROAD - directly across the street from lvl 1 beetle garden

Building Locations

Guild Hall: Do we need one?

Stash Chest at: MOVED - directly behind our voting booth (viewable and stashable)

Voting booth at: Karnak, 1397, -824 directly across the street from Lvl 1 Beetle Garden


Round Type Building Status
One building Charm of Flight Moira (Zero Build - Tied)
Two voting n/a BubbaHotep (6 votes)
Three building Return of Promise Zarrehp (Zero Build)
Four voting n/a Minion
Five building Fall of Balance Korrin (Zero Build)
Six voting n/a Harere (2 votes - Tied)
Seven building Suspend of Green Isisinacrisis (Zero Build
Eight voting n/a Dionysius (4 Votes)
Nine building Tale of Journey SpoonerandForker (Size 30)
Ten voting n/a Mabe (2 Votes)
Eleven building Puncture of Dark

Active Players:, Apkhu, Ryyssa

Voting Booth


Useful Links

Initial build costs (size 1) Built in a small construction site (1 Canvas, 4 Rope).

Caress of Wind - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 30 boards, 3 sail, 3 papyrus paper, 4 steel wire, 1 bearings, 22 oil

Charm of Flight - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 2 copper straps, 3 rope , 20 boards , 19 clay , 1 Cut Amethyst: Eyelet , 1 Cut Garnet: Lens

Distract of Sky - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 7 leather, 2 copper wire, 1 raeli tile: blueish, 2 paint: violetish, 0 white sand, 3 bearings, 0 quicksilver

Fall of Balance - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 1 sheet glass, 7 papyrus paper, 1 bearings, 26 concrete, 38 boards, 18 beeswax, 0 Random 1-output Gearbox

Hatch of Steel - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 20 copper wire, 11 slate, 1 iron bar, 1 copper sheeting, 15 oil, 2 cut stone

Puncture of Dark - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 0 large diamond, 0 bearings, 0 steel sheeting, 0 gold, 6 oil, 10 leather, 3 slate

Return of Promise - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 2 cut stone, 1 Raeli Tiles: Black, 0 Raeli Tiles: White, 3 Raeli Tiles: Blueish, 0 Raeli Tiles: Redish, 2 Raeli Tiles: Yellowish, 0 small gears, 1 bearings

Suspend of Green - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 0 Green Sun marble, 17 clay , 13 Raeli Tiles: Grayish, 1 canvas , 4 white sand , 0 bearings

Tale of Journey - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 95 Rotproof Boards, 17 nails, 5 canvas, 3 rope, 2 water in jugs, 1 tar, 0 silk cloth

Twist of Study - Level 1

Material Used (size 1): 1 tar, 9 leather, 2 oil, 1 steel wire, 40 Glossy Hard Boards, 27 Rigid Termite Resistant Boards, 0 bearings

Churn Of Earth - Level 2

Material Used (size 1): 5 soft pliable boards, 1 medium stone, 1 Steel wire, 9 orangeish paint

Float of Ghost - Level 2

Materials Used (size 1): 0 Cut Garnet:Amanti, 3 Cut Stone, 0 Cut Turquoise:Dalessi, 13 Ink, 1 Sheet glass, 2 Small diamonds, 10 Water in jugs

Pursuit of Soul - Level 2

Materials Used (size 1): 1 glass pipe, 3 oil, 7 sulphurous water, 1 small topaz, 1 small ruby

Reflect of Orbit - Level 2

Materials Used (size 1): 2 bearings, 4 steel sheeting, 6 raeli tiles: reddish, 12 oil

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Last edited September 19, 2007 9:47 pm by (diff)