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Users > Endours > Mentorship

Endours Mentorship Index

This index is to collect resources I use and have them in one easy to find location. While I love the wiki, and while it hates me. I have the ability to add resources, I hope this resouce is found by others, and used. If you want to add something to this page, I would rather do it myself. But have no way to enforce this. If you do make changes, could you be so kind as /chat me and let me know please. Thanks ^.^

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Mentorship Commands

/hop set <name>
set a hop point (max 4 points)
/hop clear <name>
clears a set hop point
/hop list
lists your hop points
/hop <name>
hops you to a hop point you have set
/hop to <name>
hops you to a person

Mentorship Tips, Tricks and other information

Welcoming to Egypt

Thanks to Alethe for creating the "Welcome to Egypt" image.
Thanks also to 'unknown' for the "Welcoming Island" map.
Both these images can be found on the citizenship page within the wiki.

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Last edited August 10, 2007 12:31 pm by Endours (diff)