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Users > Inhapi




I don't really have a place of my own. I work mostly at the Khartoum Welcoming Guild near the Chariot Stop in Khartoum (502, -6142). The KWG sponsors a public facilities that takes most of my time when I'm not out trying to improve myself. I also help with the local Research guilds.

Public lead mine, limited to 20 pulls per hour at -369, -6821

Thoughts on Demi-Pharoah

Some basic thoughts on DP, expanded below:

I am new in this Tale. So I have the disadvantage of not knowing much, but the advantage of no political baggage from tales 1 or 2.

1) This means that I can not vote for anyone that votes for themselves. I also will not vote for myself. Some people argue that if a person thinks they are best qualified for the job then they should vote for themselves. But how can anyone want the power, or think they are qualified to wield it. My only qualification for the power is that if given it I would try to use the power only when absolutely necessary and would not try to use its influence in normal game activities. If I need the DP power to get my way, then it is a misuse of the power. I will admit though, that although I do not desire the power, I would like the benifits that it gives in game terms, the level I would get from the principle and the "advancement" along one of the disiplines. Anyone that does not admit this is not being truthful.

2) I live down in Khartoum. Would I chose this area if I had plans for game wide political power? I did found the KWG, a guild to help new players in the Khartoum region. I have found myself hosting a few digging parties and am now an elder in the reserch guild. My one fear is that I am already stretched to thin, I do not wish any more leadership positions.

The DP power is a police power. The right to use extreme measures to protect the game. I doubt that I would ever use the power, but if called upon, if not using the power would result in more damage than using it, I would be negligent not to. Hopefully the law making procedures could take care of most incidents of griefing, the power should only be used if damage is immediate and will happen unless the power is used, that is only in the most severe griefing cases. The power should never be used for only guild problems.

If you have any questions, I would be happey to chat with you in a private chat or on the DP channel, but must say that if I am helping a new immigrant or working on a team effort with others, I may not have the time to answer your questions fully at that time. I would try to make time later if you wish. I will not vote for myself, as I believe that voting for self is a good way to get a tie. I hope all will vote for someone other than themselves. Hope to see you in the game.

Additional thoughts, changes

I have left the previous paragraphs up to show the evolution of my thinking as I become more familiar with the game.

I realize now that the DP is a strange creature, consisting of two faces:

So to review.. how do I feel about DP? I am split. It has in my opinion two different fuctions. The DP power, which I do not want but if given to me I'll try to handle responsively, and two, the opening up of the path to Leadership oracle which I would like. So I am changing my actions a bit.. I will possibly vote for myself, but only at the end of the voting if necessary to break a tie. And even then there is a possiblity I would vote for the other person. I will NOT vote for myself if it would result in a tie. In gaming terms, I'm competitive and will probably vote for myself if it means a win.. but will not be a spoiler and prevent someone else from advancing if I can't advance.

Do I fell DP gives me influence in the game? I hope not. Its the kind of influence I could do without. The other leadership tests, I hope focus more on leadership skills. If I am DP I will not use it in any way to influence the acts of others, except in a possible banning case.

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Last edited August 13, 2006 9:51 pm by Inhapi (diff)
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