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Beer Inventory

Beers available for banquets, ambrosias for the Festival of Osiris and the Festival of Hathor, and generalized drinking - check the suppliers' pages for pricing and other details. If you can't find what you need here for a festival, try the Festival Needs page.

banana TheSmokapotamus
barley TheSmokapotamus
barley nutmeg: (black/brown)/spicy/sweet Nefer-Bast
barley: (black/brown)/spicy/sweet Nefer-Bast
black barley Zisoni
black date Zisoni
black fruity cherry Sengar
black fruity spicey honey nutmeg Sengar
black orange Zisoni
brown barley Zisoni
brown date Zisoni
cherry Homegrown
cinnamon TheSmokapotamus
date TheSmokapotamus
dry black date Zisoni
dry date Zisoni
fruity banana Zisoni
fruity barley Zisoni
fruity black barley Zisoni
fruity black date Zisoni
fruity black orange Zisoni
fruity cherry Zisoni
fruity date Zisoni
fruity dry black date Zisoni
fruity dry black honey nutmeg Nefer-Bast
fruity dry orange Sengar
fruity honey Zisoni
fruity nutmeg Zisoni
fruity orange Zisoni
fruity spicy dry brown honey Nefer-Bast
fruity spicy honey Zisoni
fruity spicy muddled Nefer-Bast
fruity spicy nutmeg Zisoni
honey TheSmokapotamus
honey nutmeg: (black/brown)/fruity/spicy/sweet Nefer-Bast
honey: (black/brown)/fruity/spicy/sweet Nefer-Bast
nutmeg TheSmokapotamus, Zisoni
nutmeg: (black/brown)/fruity/spicy/sweet Nefer-Bast
potent and vp barley Homegrown
potent and vp cinnamon Homegrown
potent and vp honey Homegrown
potent banana/cinnamon: dry, sweet, brown, black Taarka
potent barley Zisoni
potent beer date and barley JemGirl
potent black dry date Sengar
potent black fruity dry date Sengar
potent black fruity dry date and honey Sengar
potent black fruity orange Sengar
potent black fruity spicey cinnamon cherry Sengar
potent black orange Zisoni
potent black spicey orange cinnamon Sengar
potent brown barley date Sengar
potent brown date and barley JemGirl
potent brown fruity dry date and honey Sengar
potent brown fruity orange Sengar
potent brown fruity spicey cinnamon cherry Sengar
potent brown spicey orange cinnamon Sengar
potent brown sweet barley date Sengar
potent date Homegrown
potent dry brown date Sengar
potent fruity black dry date JemGirl
potent fruity black orange Zisoni
potent fruity brown barley Zisoni
potent fruity brown date Sengar
potent fruity brown dry date JemGirl
potent fruity brown honey cinnamon & oil Tamutnefret
potent fruity date JemGirl
potent fruity dry date JemGirl, Sengar
potent fruity orange Sengar, Zisoni
potent fruity spicey black nutmeg cherry Sengar
potent fruity spicey cinnamon cherry Sengar
potent fruity spicey sweet brown nutmeg cherry Sengar
potent fruity spicey sweet nutmeg cherry Sengar
potent fruity spicy (honey nutmeg) DarthBobo
potent fruity spicy black (honey nutmeg) DarthBobo
potent fruity spicy dry black honey nutmeg & oil Tamutnefret
potent fruity spicy dry brown honey nutmeg & oil Tamutnefret
potent fruity spicy sweet black cherry (cinnamon) DarthBobo
potent fruity spicy sweet brown honey cinnamon & oil Tamutnefret
potent fruity spicy sweet cinnamon cherry & oil Tamutnefret
potent honey Zisoni
potent nutmeg Zisoni
potent orange Zisoni
potent spicey sweet orange cinnamon Sengar
potent spicy dry black nutmeg barley & oil Tamutnefret
potent spicy dry brown nutmeg barley & oil Tamutnefret
potent spicy honey Zisoni
potent spicy nutmeg Zisoni
potent sweet barley Zisoni
potent sweet barley and date JemGirl
potent sweet black date and barley JemGirl
potent sweet black honey cinnamon & oil Tamutnefret
potent sweet brown barley Zisoni
potent sweet brown barley and date JemGirl
potent sweet date and barley JemGirl
spicy dry nutmeg Nefer-Bast
spicy honey Zisoni
spicy nutmeg Zisoni
spicy sweet brown nutmeg barley & oil Tamutnefret
sweet barley Zisoni
sweet date Zisoni
very potent banana Hekatef
very potent barley Hekatef, JemGirl, Zisoni
very potent black barley JemGirl, Zisoni
very potent black fruity dry banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent black fruity orange Sengar
very potent brown barley JemGirl, Zisoni
very potent brown date barley Sengar
very potent brown fruity dry banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent brown fruity spicey cherry Sengar
very potent cherry Zisoni
very potent cinnamon Hekatef
very potent dry barley JemGirl
very potent dry black barley JemGirl
very potent dry brown barley JemGirl
very potent fruity banana Zisoni
very potent fruity banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent fruity black banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent fruity black honey Sengar
very potent fruity brown banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent fruity brown orange Sengar
very potent fruity cherry Zisoni
very potent fruity cinnamon Zisoni
very potent fruity dry banana cinnamon Sengar
very potent fruity dry brown banana honey & oil Tamutnefret
very potent fruity dry orange Sengar
very potent fruity honey Zisoni
very potent fruity honey orange Sengar
very potent fruity nutmeg Zisoni
very potent fruity orange Sengar
very potent fruity spicey black cherry Sengar
very potent fruity spicey cherry Sengar
very potent fruity spicey cherry and honey Sengar
very potent fruity spicey sweet black cherry Sengar
very potent fruity spicey sweet cherry Sengar
very potent fruity spicy (honey nutmeg) DarthBobo
very potent fruity sweet (banana cinnamon) DarthBobo
very potent fruity sweet black honey banana & oil Tamutnefret
very potent fruity sweet brown banana barley & oil Tamutnefret
very potent fruity sweet orange barley Sengar
very potent honey Hekatef, Zisoni
very potent nutmeg Zisoni
very potent spicy honey Zisoni
very potent spicy nutmeg Zisoni
very potent sweet barley JemGirl
very potent sweet brown barley JemGirl
vp banana Homegrown
vp banana/cinnamon: dry, sweet, fruity, spicy, brown, black Taarka
vp barley: fruity, spicy, sweet, brown, black Taarka
vp honey: dry, sweet, fruity, spicy, brown, black Taarka

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Last edited February 28, 2004 12:22 am by Nefer-Bast (diff)