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The Test Of Reason

To pass The Test of Reason, travel the land playing puzzles of Thought until your Focus stat reaches 7, then return to the University of Body.

Increasing Focus

Judging Thought puzzles gives judges increased Focus. Every teppyday (3 in-game days) you can judge up to 3 of each type of puzzle, with the limit reset at 6:40am on every 3n+1 game date (e.g. 1, 4, 7, etc).

Focus Formula

Best current formula:

 focus = trunc(sum(trunc(min(sqrt(1429 * judging skill), 200)))/100)

Pulses of the People does not fit this formula. It seems that the Pulse of the People score you accumulate will somehow play into this formula but we do not have enough data yet to determine it.

The Riddle of The Sphinx also does not fit this formula, and instead contributes focus based on the length of the longest run of correct answers.

Focus value of each puzzle done (of each type):

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 First 7 total
.37 .16 .12 .10 .09 .08 .08 1
#8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 First 14 total
.06 .07 .06 .06 .05 .06 .05 1.41
#15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 First 21 total
.05 .05 .04 .05 .04 .05 .04 1.73
#22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 Total
.04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .04 .04 2

29+ adds nothing. Only the first 28 puzzles of each type judged add to Focus. You will not see the increase until you reach a new integer (so 6.99 will not work, you really need 7 to pass). The values rise and fall slightly due to the truncation in integer math.

Old formula:

 focus = floor(min(sqrt(EHTs/7), 2) + min(sqrt(Veneries/7), 2) + min(sqrt(Tombs/7), 2) + min(sqrt(Bijous/7), 2), 1)

For almost all values, this is accurate. Formula suggested by Teti.

Real formula by Teppy:

 min(sqrt(1429 * judging skill), 200) per test, total sum divided by 100

In essence the same forumla, but with greater rounding errors due to integer math. Example of where the the 2 formulas differ (data point by Amhur) 11, 2, 27, 11 - focus 4. First formula gives 5.005... rounded down to 5, real formula gives 499 / 100 = 4.

Another data point that shows this is 13,4,27,6 (Waav) -> focus 4. So in essence the formula is trunc(min(sqrt(1429 * judging skill), 200) per test, with the the entire total divided by 100.

I have 35 Tombs, 3 Veneries, 15 Bijous and 21 EHTs. According to the formula, that would give me a focus value of 6, but it only shows as 5 ingame. It might have something to do with the low Venery score, but I don't know if thats it. - Kairalaa

No, 5 Focus is correct in this situation. Remember that anything more than 28 of a given test type does not contribute to your overall focus, as each test gives a maximum of 2 focus. -Waav

The above formula does not apply as it stands to Pulse of the People games. In those, the amount of focus you gain is linked in someway to your score.

silver: One possible interpretation that fits with Teppy's statement that a pulse score of 343 gives 1 focus is that the same formula as above is used, but that your "judging score" is considered to be your pulse rating divided by 49 (thus: trunc(min(sqrt(1429 * pulse_score / 49), 200) ) -- except this doesn't fit aiiro's entry of "(24, 3, 40, 57, 3, 251) = 7". (Of course I have to be an exception. ^_^ --Aiiro)

Do not leave a Sets Ladder during a game; it does not time out. It will be locked on you until you or someone else resets it. If you leave one and attempt to play a different game of Sets Ladder, you will be told to finish your last one before you can start.

Formula Discussion

Since the formula used to determine the focus increase is not precisely known, data is being collected at this page: Data. While an ongoing discussion is at this page: Discussion.

Please try to add or update totals only where you are quite sure of your Judging skill in all four released Tests.

Thought Puzzle Locations

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Last edited July 13, 2004 1:42 pm by Warmerdam (diff)