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Alzarus's Beer Productions

My Beer Production

                 Map of Egypt






Location Yeast Chariot Recipies Res
853, 6909 Y51, Y75 ND 30L 20H / 4R @1350 NG
820, 6938 Y73 ND 30M 20H / 4R @1400 NG
820, 6938 Y73 ND 10B 1H / 5R @1400 NS
820, 6938 Y73 ND 10B 10H / 5R @1400 D
820, 6938 Y73 ND 10B 20H / 5R @1400 D
1816, 2207 Multiple RSO 47B 125H / 10L @ none VP Black Cherry
-510, 6657 PB 27L 38B 103H / 8L @ none VP Sweet Date
2798, 1520 RSO 20M, 132H / none @ 1650 VP Fruity Sweet Banana Cinnamon
801, -1067 Karnak 30B 25D 115H / none @ 1320 VP Fruity Black Banana Cinnamon
2275, 1564 RSO 15L 30M 40D 40H / none @ none Spicy Brown Barley
2104, 1248 RSO 17B 107H / 10L @ none P F D Br +N-Orange
2104, 1248 RSO 17B 117H / 10L @ none VP F D Br +N-Orange
-1062, 7814 PB 30M 50H / 20 H @ 1600 Fruity Sweet Date

When used, here are the abreviations for the beer results:

NG = No Good ; NS = Nonalcoholic Soup ; VP = Very Potent ; P = Potent ; F = Fruity ; S = Spicy
D = Dry ; S = Sweet ; Br = Brown ; Bl = Black ; +H- = Hint of ; +N- = Noticable of ; +B- = Bold of

More data in the spreadsheet.

My Yeast


Coords No Seal 1800 1500 1455 1440 1433 1430 1429 1425 1350 1200
853, 6909 Y51 Y75 Y25
L60 L45 L52
Y74 M23 Y64
Y66 Y1 A38
Y73 Y19 M63
Y33 Y10 Y48
Y80 Y49
none none none none none none Y51 Y75 Y51 Y75 Y51 Y75 Y51 Y75 Y25
L45 L60 L52
Coords No Seal 1500 1400 1300 1200
820, 6938 Y73 A30 Y89
L60 M47 Y80
Y59 Y91 L68
Y67 Y34 A62
Y81 Y58 Y51
L61 A86 L84
A70 A94 Y1
L29 A46 A54
M63 L13 Y82
Y64 Y16 L69
none Y73 Y73 A30 Y30 A30 Y89

My Yeasts

Location Yeast / Seal
853, 6909 Y51 Y75 @ 1425
820, 6938 Y73 @ 1400


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Last edited March 1, 2006 8:53 pm by Alzarus (diff)
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