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Alzarus's Fumeology

Single Herb

My Fumeology was at 14 before I start keeping track of the herbs smoked (SB: Smoked Before?)

Aloe X Crimson Windleaf X King's Coin X Shyamalata 0
Altar's Blessing X Crumpled Leaf Basil X Lavender Navarre X Silvertongue Damia X
Apothecary's Scythe X Curly Sage Lavender Scented Thyme X Soapwort X
Ashoka SBv Cyan Cressida Lemondrop X Sorrel X
Asane X Daggerleaf Lemon Basil Spinach 0v
Azure Tristeria X Dalchini X Lemon Grass Spinnea X
Bay Tree X Dameshood X Liquorice X Strychnos X
Bee Balm X Dank Mullien X Lungclot X Sugar Cane X
Beetle Leaf X Dark Ochoa X Mandrake Root Sweetflower X
Bhillawa X Dark Radish X Maragosa X Tamarask X
Black Pepper Plant SBv Deadly Catsclaw X Meadowsweet SBv Tangerine Dream SBv
Blood Root X Deadwood Tree X Miniature Lamae X Thunder Plant
Bloodwort X Dewplant X Mirabellis Fern X Thyme SBv
Blood Balm X Digweed X Moon Aloe X Tiny Clover X
Blood Blossom X Drapeau D'or X Mountain Mint X Trilobe X
Blueberry Tea Tree X Dusty Blue Sage X Myrrh X Tristeria X
Bluebottle Clover X Dwarf Wild Lettuce X Naranga True Terragon X
Blue Damia X Earth Apple X Nubian Liquorice X Tsangto X
Blue Tarafern SBv Elegia X Octec's Grace Tsatso X
Blushing Blossom Enchanter's Plant X Orange Niali SB Turtle's Shell
Brassy Caltrops X Finlow X Orris X Umber Basil X
Brown Muskerro X Fire Allspice X Pale Dhamasa X Upright Ochoa X
Bull's Blood X Fire Lily X Pale Ochoa X Weeping Patala X
Burnt Tarragon X Fivesleaf X Pale Russet X Whitebelly X
Camelmint X Fleabane X Panoe X White Pepper Plant X
Caraway X Fumitory X Paradise Lily Wild Garlic X
Cardamom X Garcinia X Patchouli Wild Lettuce X
Chaffa X Garlic Chives X Peppermint X Wild Onion X
Chives SBv Ginger Root X Pippali X Wild Yam X
Chukkah X Ginger Tarragon Prisniparni X Wood Sage
Cicada Bean X Ginseng Root 0v Pulmonaria Opal X Xanat X
Cinnamon SBv Gokhru X Purple Tintiri X Xanosi X
Cinquefoil X Golden Gladalia Red Pepper Plant 0v Yava X
Cirallis X Golden Thyme X Revivia X Yellow Tristeria X
Common Basil X Homesteader's Palm X Royal Rosemary X Yigory SBv
Common Rosemary X Honey Mint X Rubia X
Common Sage X Houseleek X Sacred Palm
Corsacia X Ice Blossom Sagar Ghota 0v
Covage X Ice Mint X Sandalwood X
Cranesbill X Indigo Damia X Sandy Dustweed 0v
Creeping Black Nightshade Jaiyanti X Scaley Hardwood X
Creeping Thyme Jaivanti X Shrubby Basil X
Crimson Clover Joy of the Mountain X Sky Gladalia 0
Crimson Lettuce X Katako Root X Shrub Sage X
Crimson Nightshade Khokali X Shyama X

Double Herbs

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Last edited April 2, 2006 3:55 am by Alzarus (diff)