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Wiki-De > Gebaeude > Freudenfeuer


Ein Freudenfeuer erlaubt die Verbrennung von Holz/wood, Kalkstein/limestone und Fruechte Und Gemuese/vegetables, um Dinge wie Asche/ash, Holzkohle/charcoal und Kalk/lime herzustellen. Man kann auf ihnen auch aus Fisch/fish Gegrillten Fisch/grilled fish zubereiten. Alles das erfordert einen bestimmte Termperaturbereich. Holzkohle benötigt keine weiteren Ressourcen außer Holz, da es durch die Hitze entsteht. Andere Produkte entsehen durch die Umwandlung der zusätzlich hinzugefügten Ressourcen. Außerdem kann man sie als Aufbewahrungort?/container für Holz, Fisch und Gemüse verwenden.



Bau-Ort: außen

Benötigter Skill/Tech: [Kontrollierte Verbrennung]?/Controlled Burn

Es gibt außerdem noch die Seiten Recipes und Rohdaten.

Technische Details und Definitionen

Der erste Tick läuft ab, wenn das Freudenfeuer angezündet wird. Jeder Tick hat zwei Phasen, die folgendes beinhalten und stets in dieser Reihenfolge ablaufen:

1. Temperatur-Einstellungsphase:

2. Zutaten-Produktionsphase:

Zwischen den Ticks können Zutaten und Holz zugefügt werden, sie bleiben bis zum nächsten Tick unverändert.

Spezielle Arten von Freudenfeuern

Ein Sonderfall ist das geschürrte Freudenfeuer mit konstanter Temperatur, bei diesem wird ein Holz und ein Krug mit Wasser parallel zugefügt.


Teilweise wird eine bestimmte Schreibweise verwendet, um geschürrte oder oszillierende Feuer in Kurzformbeschreiben zu können. Zum bespiel kann das beste geschürrte Freudenfeuer als 2+1^7 beschrieben werden. Das heißt:

(Notiz: Dies produziert 5x Holzkohle)

Eine geringfügig andere Schreibweise wird für oszillierende Freudenfeuer verwendet. Das effizienteste Feuer zur Holzkohlenproduktion ist z.B. 2+1^2+(1+0)^n This can be decoded as:

(Notiz: Dieses Rezept nähert sich, je länger man es anwendet, 1 Holzkohle pro Holz.)

Es gibt auch andere Schreibweisen, die jedoch selten verwendet werden.


StatusRessourceProdukt Temp.-Bereich/Regel/Ausbeute Mitwirkende
Erledigt Hitze Holzkohle erzeugt 0.5 Holzkohle/Tick bei Temperatur von 4-8; zerstört 0.5 Holzkohle/Tick bei Temperatur von 13+Niseg,Roen
Erledigt Papyrus Asche verbrennt 1/Tick; erzeugt 4/9(0.44...) Asche/Tick bei Temperatur von 5-10 Sigil,Hob, Yaos, Tamutnefret, Niseg
Erledigt Carrots Asche verbrennt 8/tick bei Temperatur von 1+; erzeugt 1.5 Asche/Tick bei Temperatur von 15-24 Sigil,Hob, Yaos,Niseg
Erledigt Garlic Asche verbrennt 4/tick bei Temperatur von 1+; erzeugt 11/9(1.22...) Asche/Tick bei Temperatur von 9-11 Sigil,Hob, Yaos, Niseg
Beinahe fertig, siehe Notiz Cabbage Asche verbrennt 13/Tick bei Temperatur von 1+; erzeugt ca. 1.82 Asche/Tick bei Temperatur von 20-30Ryzlar,Anonymous,Niseg,Trucidation
ergebnislos Leeks unbekannt scheint auch nicht bei Temperatur von 20+ zu verbrennenSigil,Hob, Yaos
ergebnislos Onions unbekannt scheint auch nicht bei Temperatur von 1-50+ zu verbrennenSigil,Hob, Yaos, Trucidation
Beinahe fertig, erfordert noch etwas mehr Forschung Limestone? lime verbrennt 1/tick bei Temperatur von 1+; erzeugt 0.1 lime/tick bei Temperatur von 2-6 und 0.7 lime/tick bei Temperatur von 7-9Ryzlar, Trucidation , Niseg
Erledigt Fish Grilled Fish verbrennt 1/tick bei Temperatur von 10+; erzeugt 1 grilled fish/tick bei Temperatur von 10-20; Achtung: bezieht sich auf Fischart, d.h. mehrere Fischarten können parallel eingesetzt werden Brant, Trucidation


To Do


Static Bonfires

Charcoal production by the use of static bonfires is very inefficient and has very limited use. The most efficient static bonfire is made from 29 wood and gives 4 charcoal (7.25 wood/charcoal). The 2nd best is one of size 37 which gives 5 charcoal (7.4 wood/charcoal) but might be preferrable because of less clicking involved.

Initial bonfire size Charcoal produced
1-10 0
11-15 1
16-21 2
22-28 3
29-36 4
37-78 5
79-91 4
92-105 3
106+ 2

Static bonfires are mainly used to convert ingredients into products. This is done by adding ingredients at a certain temperature. The amount of wood left in a bonfire can tell us exactly what the current temperature is, given that the initial bonfire size is known:

to calculate how much wood should used to build a light and forget bonfire use this formula(based on sum of counting numbers formula):
H= target peak heat, W= total wood , w= wood left, h= heat you want to add things to the fire
W = (H-1)*H/2 +1
if you want to add something at a certain heat and want to know how much wood is left in the fire at that heat.
for H!=h (not equal) w= W - (h+1)*h/2
for H==h w=0 and previous tick w=1
- Niseg

Table updated with higher wood = less cc values -- Ryzlar

Oscillating Method

Yields X charcoal from X+10 wood. For large X, this is very close to 1 wood per charcoal.

Step 1: Set up the bonfires, 11 wood in each, and pin the menus. Try with just 1 or 2 to begin with, as you get better you may be able to run 30 or so at once.

Step 2: Wait for the first fire to hit 0 wood. This should happen close to 40 seconds after lighting them. Add 1 wood to all fires. This can be done very quickly by using one hand to click "Add Wood" with the mouse, and the other hand to press "Enter" on the keyboard.

Step 3: Every 20 seconds, add 1 wood to each fire. You can repeat this as often as you like, for an extra 1 charcoal from each fire each time. When you run out of wood or get tired of it, just let the fires burn out and collect your charcoal.

A good timer tool to use is here:

Ouroboros has written a charcoal macro that gives a 5:4 yield using oscillation and burns 28 fires. Find it here:

Stoked bonfires

Timed bonfires

This is one way to achieve an oscillating bonfire without using water and extra wood. Yields N charcoal from N+10 wood. For large N, this is very close to 1 wood per charcoal.

Step 1: Set up the timer. You only need to do this once, ever. Create a chat channel to a guildmate, or someone else who wants a timer :) Make sure timestamps are on with /ts Pin a harvest wood menu from a tree. Pick some wood, and type "00" in the chat tab. Refresh the menu by clicking on it. When it drops to 50 seconds to harvest more wood, type "10" into the chat tab. When it drops to 40 seconds, type "20", and so on. When the menu shows you can collect more wood, check the chat. You should have something looking like this:

 01m Yourname: 00
 00m Yourname: 10
 00m Yourname: 20
 00m Yourname: 30
 00m Yourname: 40
 00m Yourname: 50

You now have a timer reading in intervals of 10 Teppyseconds. It is currently reading 01 minutes 00 seconds. The person on the other end of the chat can close it if they like.

Otherwise just wait for beer brewing and iron pots to be available.

Step 2: Set up the bonfires, 11 wood in each, and pin the menus. Try with just 1 or 2 to begin with, as you get better you may be able to run 30 or so at once.

Step 3: Wait for the timer to tick over into a new 10 second interval. Remember which one it is (e.g. 30 sec). Light all the fires.

Step 4: Wait for the first fire to hit 0 wood. This should happen close to 40 teppyseconds after lighting them. Add 1 wood to all fires. This can be done very quickly by using one hand to click "Add Wood" with the mouse, and the other hand to press "Enter" on the keyboard.

Step 5: Every 20 teppyseconds, add 1 wood to each fire. You can repeat this as often as you like, for an extra 1 charcoal from each fire each time. When you run out of wood or get tired of it, just let the fires burn out and collect your charcoal.

Variation: Start with 2 wood and add 1 wood at 0 left, 4 times before starting the 20-second intervals. This is more wood-efficient, but requires much tighter timing when starting.

Kulaks very simple yet productive timed CC formula

1) Type /ts so time shows up in your window.

2) Make 2wood BF, fire it, then type "time" in main chat the next second.

3) When wood reaches 0 add 1wood ---> repeat that 3 times (3wood tottal) then wait untill you see "01 time" in the chatwindow.

4) Bonfire should be at 0 quickly add 1wood ---> repeat that 3 times (3wood tottal) same as before.

5) Wait untill "02 time" and repeat step 4, keep going as long as you want.

6) i got yields as good as 10cc out of 11wood and 220cc out of 280wood, so yield should be around 70%-99% if u do the 10sec count i guess u can get better yields but it takes up more time.

p.s. you can use multiple bonfires with this formula. -Kulak

Alternative method for oscillating bonfires

I'm now using this method for producing high wood:charcoal yields by using two bonfires to time each other.

1) Place two 4 wood bonfires and pin menus.

2) Light one bonfire. One wood will be consumed immediately. Keep clicking on its menu.

3) When more wood is consumed (3 wood to 1 wood left) light the second bonfire immediately. This should synchronise the bonfires to the same tick rate and timings, but with a one-tick delay between the two.

4) Bring both bonfires up to charcoal heat, by adding 1 wood to each four times (when they reach 0 wood) (When the fourth piece of wood has been added for the first bonfire the second bonfire should have had 3 wood added to it)

5) Do not add a piece of wood to the first bonfire for one tick. You can judge this time because it will be the same as the time for the second bonfire to consume its fourth piece of wood.

6) Now add a piece of wood to the first bonfire, and do not add to the second.

7) Repeat setps 5&6 until you get bored.

There will be variations on this method, you could start with 2 wood bonfires and bring them up to heat slightly more efficiently, or you could add two pieces and wait two ticks during the cycle.

Timing diagram

Ticks _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 etc

Bonfire A) 4 L B B H H 1 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B 1

Bonfire B) 4 _ L B B H H 1 1 B 1 B 1 B 1 B


     4 = add 4 wood
     L = light
     B = burns (don't touch)
     H = add one wood to increase heat
     1 = add one wood that will become charcoal


To make a bonfire of temp x

Take an amount of wood equal to the temperature you require. i.e. X wood. Take one 2 wood bonfire and light it. Pin up the bonfire menu and click on it repeatedly. Clicking on it is required to make it update. When the wood in the bonfire hits 0 it will be at temp 2. Add 1 wood to the bonfire and wait for this to butn (bonfire now shows wood = 0) the bonfire is now at temp 3. Repeat the step of adding 1 wood and waiting till it burns before adding the next. The bonfire will hit temp x as the last wood is burned.

To test what burns at what temperature a resource burns at and what rate it burns

Make a bonfire of temp x where x is the temperature that you are testing. As you add the last piece of wood add a large quantity of the resource that you are testing for burn rate. Once the last wood has burned tear down the bonfire and see how much of the resource you added is left. That is the rate it burns at.

To test what burns at what temperature a resource burns to produce what at

let X = the top temperature you want to test Create a bonfire of temp X. As you add the last wood add the resource. You will need to add at least 1 x the rate at which the resource burns at i.e 8 carrots or 4 garlic. Let the bonfire burn down and see what you are left with. You must _not_ tear down the bonfire as it only produces the resource when it burns out.

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Last edited February 17, 2005 9:47 am by Jenadi (diff)