To please Hathor, you must surround an altar with sheep, chickens, and rabbits; eat a food that will raise three random statistics; and sacrifice an ambrosia of beer and cobra blood (from a Serpentarium).
To find someone who can supply your ambrosia, check the Hathor Inventory page. Make sure to let your supplier know you want a Hathor ambrosia; they may need you to supply the cobra blood.
Or, to try making your own beer, go to Shivani's Beer Guide, it gives step-by-step instructions for brewing VP Orange beer and has recipes that will work for all Hathor beers (except VP Nutmeg, which is undoable).
Next, get your food ready. Here are a couple of recipes that should work for almost everybody:
Thanks to MarvL we have a recipe for Hathor that gives + all stats.
Requires cooking 5 and gives: 8 18 14 22 16 11 18 1h13m57s 50 Servings
1 each of: Mirabillis Fern, Shrub Sage, Cat Nip Mushrooms, Cinnamon, Oyster Meat
69 (or less) each of: Barley (Burnt), Grilled Carrots, Malt (Dark Roasted), Grilled Onions, Coconut Meat
And to top it off, it has a good chance to be a masterpiece - Once again Thanks MarvL!!!
Check this page for the locations of altars where kitchens containing Hathor food will be prepared.
See also: Test Of Festivals, Determining Festival Requirements, Festival Altars, Festival Schedule, Festival Needs, Hathor Inventory, Osiris Inventory, Beer Inventory,Festival Player Progress.