Some of these links are dead for now... I'll get to these later...
About Me
Starting again in Kush as my Grandfather lived in Lower Nubia, the same area.
By the end of Tale 2, Grandfather Blogmul was an Elder on The Rising Phoenix, considering it his main guild and where he had made most of his friends. This guild was heavily linked to Guardians of the Heqa and sister guild to Saints and Sinners, also bearing some relationships with Mostly Harmless.
Some of the grandchildren of those people came back to Egypt for the Third Tale. Unifying for a better advancement and fun, they all decided to create and share Heqa Rising. This guild went through restructures and welcomed new people. On an attempt to cut with the past and shift some of it's orientation, it was renamed to Field of Reeds.
Don't forget to praise Pluribus! Without him, the Linux and Mac communities would be excluded from this great game/experience...
- Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy
- Kush Water Works
- Egyptian Viticultural Information League
- Shakedown St. Pyramid Construction Co.
Test Progress
Discipline | Initiate | Student | Prentice | Journeyman | Scribe | Master | Sage | Oracle |
Architecture | X | X | X | X | | | | |
Art | X | | | | | | | |
Body | X | X | X | X | | | | |
Harmony | X | X | X | X | X | | | |
Leadership | X | | | | | | | |
Thought | X | | | | | | | |
Worship | X | | | | | | | |
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Obelisk: Done (57cc Desert Obelisk @ 1272, -4024)
- Test of Towers: Done
- Test of the Funerary Temple: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of Life: Done
- Initiation: Done (teared down after passing)
- Test of Khefre's Children: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of Pyrotechnics: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Raeli Mosaic: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Prismatic Opticon: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Initiation: Done
- The Test Of The Acrobat: Done
- Test of the Singing Cicadas: Done
- Test of Safari: Done
- Test of the Banquet: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Oyster Catcher: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Small: CORRECT={Aqua=1,Aqua=2,Black=3,Coral=4,Aqua=5,Pink=6, Black=7};
- Medium: CORRECT={Smoke=1,Aqua=2} ; WRONG=; (ColorNoUse=White(1),Coral(1),Smoke(nomore),Aqua(nomore),Black(4); ColorUse=pink,beige)
- Large: CORRECT={Pink=1,} ; WRONG=; (ColorNoUse=Coral(2),White(1),Aqua(1),Pink(nomore),Smoke(2); ColorUse=beige,black)
- Huge: White in slot 1, gave 2END
- 6 PF + 6 Bluebottle Clover + 6 Glechoma + 6 Thyme + 1 Chatinabrae + 1 Dewplant + 1 Golden Thyme + 1 Khokali
- Initiation: Done
- Test of Marriage: Done Married on the 20th June 2006, divorced on the 27th November 2006
- Test of the Freemen: Done
- Test of Souls: Done
- Test of The Prophet: Done
- Test of Mentorship: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of Reason: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Critic: Actively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Demi-Pharaoh: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Bureaucrat: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the True Leadership: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Covered Cartouche: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Initiation: Done (teared down after passing)
- Test of the Tombs of the Immortal: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Pathmaker: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Test of the Bijou: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of the Venery: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Initiation: Done
- Test of the Vigil: Passively Pursuing (Principle Done)
- Path of the Pilgrim: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
- Test of Beacons: Passively Pursuing (Principle Not Done)
Avatar Numbers
- Strength: 7
- Dexterity: 7
- Endurance: 5
- Speed: 11
- Constitution: 0
- Focus: 0
- Perception: 8
- Gastronomy: 51
- Fumeology: 250
- Beer Tasting: 62
- Oenology (palette increases: 14):
- Beginner Book: 28/28 samples, 15/14 12%+ alcohol, 19/14 high quality, 14/7 older (3+ vintages)
- Enthusiast Book: 51/49 samples, 17/14 sweet, 14/14 13%+ alcohol, 28/21 very good quality, 15/14 older (5+ vintages)
- Oneophile Book: 70/70 samples, 10/21 Berries, 0/14 Spice, 7/7 Dried Fruit, 7/7 Caramel, 0/7 Lemon&Apricot, 0/1 Walnut&Tobacco, 7/7 9+vint
Garlic day: 13th of each month for seed duplication. Yeld based on location... 8 by the glaziers (before pyramids)
Note: Thanks to Grandfather Chichis for the template of this page and Grandfather Beren from where I saw this first (and for Linux support)