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ShuoftheFieryHeat: Fish Farm Petition

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Petition to request FISH FARMING

We the people of Egypt desire and request the ability to farm fish. These would be fish caught in the wild, and kept and bred in captivity, and held in specially built fish holding ponds, and in special tanks for viewing and breeding. Details on view at wiki page –

Of course, approval by Pharaoh required for practicality and implementation.

The Fine Print

Section I: Overview

Section II: Some Suggested Details


Fish Net
Method of catching and transporting live fish

Section I: Overview

1. Fish can be kept in Ponds or Tanks [aquariums]

2. Ponds would become a ‘building’ available to be built for a set tuition and skill level, and would be able to contain up to 15000 deben of fish. Possibly with small / med/ large/ huge ‘pond’ options... upgrade as with chests for scalable greater costs. Costs to make a fish pond might include, stones, firebricks , treated boards, sand etc

3. Fish Farming would open up the possibility of breeding fish for quantity – to increase harvest size, but also for individual size, and quality, and perhaps could be bred for patterns and colors [much like beetles], even have votes on the biggest or ‘best’… with some bragging rights, or prized special gifts from Pharaoh etc.

4. Aquariums/ tanks: For judging, perhaps an aquarium or tank could be developed to ‘display’ special fish – much as beetles are displayed in a terrarium. Costs for aquariums could include thermometers and special treated boards / glass, sand etc

5. Fish could be voted on depending on criteria - for their uniqueness and special colors / patterns/ size etc. -- This might be tied into a test of fishing skills or provide benefits to pond masters. Water quality might have to be tested or adjusted to keep proper balance of nutrients and chemicals in the water, oxygen etc.

6. Ponds would allow for keeping large quantities of fish, mixed in a single pond. Certain fish are rare and this might enable average fishermen players to obtain a breeding pair[s] and ‘grow’ their own crop of specific fish so some of the rarest fish could be developed and grown, thus made more readily available for use or trade.

7. Fish in captivity would need to be fed of course, so some form of feed would need to be developed. Grass and mulched beetles could be offered now, or until such time as other/ better food sources could be developed. Fish Farming Ponds would need to be maintained for cleanliness and ecology, and perhaps would be a good place to also ‘store’ tadpoles? Perhaps tadpoles could be also used as fish food?

8. To create an even playing field, There might be some element of predation for pond fish, or a ‘downside’ -- for lack of feeding and maintenance and / or overcrowding will cause decline in population or quality.

9. Ponds could be private or guild-able or even public, but could not be’ fished’ with a pole i.e. you could not ‘fish’ from a pond per se.

10. The pond master would need a way to retrieve the fish from the pond –with a net - Suggestions for nets: a sharp stick with a canvas or linen to make the ‘net’ –

11. A net would gather fish with a prompt ‘how much to pick up’?

Section II: Some Suggested Details

1. Tank starter fish must be caught in the wild.

2. As the skill of the Fish Farmer improves additional species of fish might be raised. At the lowest level of skill (1) the Fish Farmer might only be able to raise a few types of fish (such as: Carp, Catfish, Tilapia, or Perch). As the skill level increases to raise addition species of fish would become available to farm, until at skill level 7 all types of fish found in Egypt would be available to farm, including rare species like phagrus or serpent fish.

3. Fish do not eat other fish. Fish eat only grass and mulched beetles or a to be determined fish food or fish food enhancer.

4. At least 12 fish (one dozen) of the same type must be used to start the breeding process and to maintain a healthy school of fish in the tank.

5. If tanks are used for breeding only one type of fish may be in the tank at a time. If tanks are used for holding fresh fish then fish stocks may be mixed but no breeding will take place.

6. Gauges and Meters would be needed to judge the health of the tank. Appropriate steps would be needed to remedy any problems found in the water quality or health of the fish.

7. Fish would not starve if not fed, but they would not grow or reproduce if there is no food source. Large fish might get smaller if not fed. The smallest fish would be 1 deben.

8. Genetic factors may be introduced to get an “improved” fish. Perhaps for color, size, nutritional value. Wild fish maybe added to a tank to increase genetic diversity.

9. Farm raised fish would have some attribute improvement over wild stock or perhaps be more desirable for cooking which would help preserve wild stocks.

10. Farm raised fish can be traded to other fish farmers for inclusion into their genetic stock.

11. An aquarium tank and competition for the nicest looking fish would be available to dedicated fish farmers.

12. Fish do not rot or smell up the place.

13. Ponds would be permanent buildings – but with the option to “tear down” at the appropriate to salvage level of the player.

14. Tanks/ aquariums – would be transportable but with a heavy weight (like sheep). You could set up tanks for viewing by bringing to events etc for votes – enhance banquets feasts for ambiance.

15. Live fish need a method of transport in order to be traded with other Fish Farmers. The use of the fish net or other implement that would allow the transportation of live fish would be needed. Fish not transported in the fish net (or tbd device) would not be considered “live” and would be treated like fish are currently treated in the game.

This petition was created by Iziz, Kalateth and ShuoftheFieryHeat

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Last edited February 8, 2007 5:54 pm by ShuoftheFieryHeat (diff)