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The Test Of Festivals


The Test Of Festivals requires you to perform a series of rituals to appease each of the seven gods. Each god has a seperate ritual which must be performed to please Him/Her. Some aspects of the ritual will vary for each player. These rituals are listed in the next section.

This test, like the others in the discipline of Worship, is very group oriented. Performing a festival by yourself will not please anyone much - Instead, large festivals involving as many people as possible must be organized. Each person who participates in a festival contributes 1 point to that festival's total participation. Each point represents a single percentage point towards that god's standing. Your standing with each god must be raised to 100% to pass the test.

When a player successfully performs a ritual, they will gain standing with that god for each other player who performs a ritual to the same god 30 minutes beforehand and 30 minutes afterwards. Therefore, it is optimal for everyone participating in a festival to perform the ritual within the same 30-minute window, so they all get credit for each others' performance. The players do not need to be in the same location; they can be scattered all across Egypt.

After successfully participating in a festival, a player must wait 24 hours before participating in another one. Successfully participating in a festival will change the requirements for all gods. This is often used to "reset" a particularly difficult requirement by performing a one-person festival to another god with easy requirements, such as Isis.

Successfully performing a ritual will display a message box telling you the god is pleased. If something goes wrong (i.e. You used the wrong components, you missed a step, etc), nothing will happen. Your requirements will not change, and you can try again any time. However, you'll have to find replacements for any goods that were consumed during your failed attempt. The requirements for all gods will immediately change after recieving the message telling you that the god in question is pleased. If is often handy to bring supplies with you to see your new requirements immediately after participating.

The hardest parts of this test can be summarized as two things:

  1. Finding a supplier that has the fruit, flavored beer, flavored wine, etc that you need.
  2. Coordinating a time that 10 or more people throughout Egypt can do a festival.

The festival suppliers topic may help with finding a supplier, and the festival schedule topic lists the date and time of upcoming festivals. In addition, you can list items you are looking for in the festival needs topic. In game, the best festival source is the TNN microphone. To see TNN type /join TNN. Qetesh owns the microphone and started the TNN Festival Coordinators guild, a group of people who use TNN to host festivals three times a week.

If you need to obtain something from a supplier, make sure you give them several days notice. Trying to obtain supplies on the day of the festival is often way too late.

Ritual Descriptions

While the procedure of each ritual is always the same, specific details will be different every time you participate. To learn how to determine the specific requirements for each god's ritual, see Determining Festival Requirements. Some rituals will require costly set-up, such as glass torches or spirit braziers; see Festival Altar Locations for a list of locations which are already set-up.

See also: Tests, Festival Suppliers, Festival Needs, Festival Schedule, Festival Player Progress

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Last edited July 4, 2004 10:33 pm by Brant (diff)