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Wine > Mixing

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Note: this theory has not been fully proven, though there is some evidence to support it.

When mixing grapes in a barrel, the wine will taste as though it was made from grapes grown at a location in between the places where the grapes are grown, weighted by the amount of grapes used.

To calculate where a wine flavor "comes from", use the formula (a1*p1 + a2*p2 + ...)/a_total, where a is the amount of grapes, and p is the position of the corresponding vineyard.

For example: Mixing grapes from 2 vineyards at -1000,0 and 500,500.
Vineyard 1 (-1000,0) Vineyard 2 (500,500) Flavor location
10 90 (10*[-1000,0] + 90*[500,500]) / 100 = [350,450]
20 80 (20*[-1000,0] + 80*[500,500]) / 100 = [200,200]
30 70 (30*[-1000,0] + 70*[500,500]) / 100 = [ 50,350]

The same holds true if using 3 or more vineyards. This leads to the fact that it is possible to make wine "from" all places in Egypt with a relatively small number of vineyards.

Several users are working to do just that:

To calculate the mix ratios needed in order to reach a certain coordinate, using 3 vineyards, use the formula below. (note: the target must be inside the triangle defined by the 3 vineyards)
Or you could use my spreadsheet found below - it works in both directions - enjoy! - Zintwana

p is the target location and v1,v2,v3 are the positions of the 3 vineyards, expressed as 2-dimensional vectors.

A = v2-v1
B = v3-v1
C = p-v1

if A[X] is zero:
u = C[X]/B[X];
v = (C[Y]-u*B[Y])/A[Y];

if A[X] is not zero:
u = (A[X]*C[Y]-A[Y]*C[X]) / (A[X]*B[Y] - A[Y]*B[X])
v = (C[X]-u*B[X])/A[X]

The amounts of grapes to use are then:
Vineyard 1: 1-u-v
Vineyard 2: v
Vineyard 3: u

CT - the vintage of the mix is the same weighted average. The flavour you get seems thus to be the one you had get by harvesting grapes in the target location at that resulting vintage


Vineyards at [-200,-300], [-1000,2000] and [1000,2000]. We're looking for the ratios to make a wine that "comes from" [-500,800]

Calculating A,B,C:

A = [-1000,2000] - [-200,-300] = [-800, 2300]
B = [1000,2000] - [-200,-300] = [1200,2300]
C = [-500,800] - [-200,-300] = [-300,1100]

A[X] is -800, which is not zero, so we will use the second formula:

u = (A[X]*C[Y] - A[Y]*C[X]) / (A[X]*B[Y] - A[Y]*B[X])
  = (-800*1100 - 2300*-300) / (-800*2300 - 2300*1200)
  = 0.0413

v = (C[X]-u*B[X])/A[X]
  = (-300-u*1200)/-800
  = 0.4370

Vineyard 1: 1-0.0413-0.4370 = 0.5217 = 52.2%
Vineyard 2: 0.4370 = 43.7%
Vineyard 3: 0.0413 =  4.1%

A simple tool for doing these calculations is available here:

Wine_Target_and_Grape_Mix_Locator.odsZintwanaNovember 18, 2005 12:04 am15296Open Office Spreadsheet to assist in locating co ords of a particular grape mix OR the number of grapes of each type needed to make wine from a target location.
Wine_Target_and_Grape_Mix_Locator.xlsZintwanaNovember 18, 2005 10:06 pm11264Excel version of Spreadsheet to assist in locating co ords of a particular grape mix OR the number of grapes of each type needed to make wine from a target location.

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Last edited January 28, 2006 3:47 pm by Solipsistos (diff)