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Beer > Recipes

This page lists recipes that are known to work for a particular yeast(s).

To find a yeast spot where you can use these recipes, see the Microbe Map.

Single yeast recipes

Key: R - Malt (Raw), L - Malt (Light Roasted), M - Malt (Medium Roasted), D - Malt (Dark Roasted), B - Malt (Burnt), H - honey

Please put recipes in order of the yeast.

Warning : it seems, according to the beercalc spreadsheet (confirmed by a few tests? i made) that all theses Y24 recipes don't work. You'd only get a 'soup' beer, without any alcohol. Maybe someone can confirm that so theses recipes can be removed from the table, and maybe replaced with a few ones reported to work ? -- Cheos
Bet you anything that they should have the honey added at end -- Cappu

Yeast Add at start Add at end Result and other notes
Y24 112H - Potent fruity sweet beer, bold honey
Y24 104H - Potent fruity beer, bold honey
Y24 96H 5R Potent dry beer, hint of cinnamon
Y40 15L, 40M, 5B, 10H 5R brown, hint of barley
Y40 15L, 40M, 10D, 25B, 10H 8R brown, noticable barley
Y40 15L, 40M, 10D, 4B, 20H 8R potent brown, noticable barley
Y96 15H, 20L, 10M 5R, 10M dry, taste of barley
Y98 - 127H Very potent fruity dry beer, bold honey
Y98 123D - Very Potent Black Beer. Noticeable barley flavor
Y99 30H, 10L, 10M - Fruity beer, noticeable cherry
Y99 40H, 10L, 10M - Fruity sweet beer, noticeable cherry
Y99 35H 3L Fruity dry beer, noticeable cherry
Y99 - 35H, 3L Fruity dry beer, noticeable cherry, noticeable honey
Y99 45B, 5D, 14H 10M Fruity dry black beer, noticeable cherry
Y99 30B, 10D, 11H 10M Fruity dry brown beer, noticeable cherry
Y99 20B 31H, 5L Fruity dry brown beer, noticeable cherry, noticeable honey
*All the Y99 recipes except the first one returned cloying beer

Please put recipes in order of the yeast.

Multi yeast recipes

Key: R - Malt (Raw), L - Malt (Light Roasted), M - Malt (Medium Roasted), D - Malt (Dark Roasted), B - Malt (Burnt), H - honey

Please put recipes in order of the yeast.

Yeasts (in order) Add at start Add at end Result and other notes

Please put recipes in order of the yeast.

Users Recipes

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Last edited March 16, 2006 7:08 am by Cappu (diff)