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Gazebo Locations

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Passed (Y/N)?

Location Owner Judgable? Notes Passed (Y/N)?
1670, -450 AgathaCathrene Yes Tomb and gliders too! Yes
533 -4452 RaLoMein No Always under development! Raeli Gliderport right next door too. Located in the valley southwest of the Lotus Lake Mega. No
1520, -1271 Jolinar Yes Time No
-2054, 7708 Kinkela Yes
695, 720 Slyfeind-Hotep Yes
-350, 8107 Madwife Yes Visit the cartouche country garden - a family day out. Bring a packed lunch. Yes
-1712, 5743 aoife No
-1596, 5438 Wojcik No
-1474, 7991 Lwicca No
-933, 4646 Abraham Yes Relax at the Vale. 3 bijous and a tomb here too . Yes
-485, 5120 Alicesmile Yes BH pilgrimage shrine near by Yes
-500, 6725 Bindy Yes For the main display, face east and use the F5 camera for full effect. :D -=7 stellae in all=- *Please /chat me what you think!* Yes
-408, 7708 Neophant Yes Totally Redisgned. Give me a chat what you think!
-85, 7105 GoodAngel No No longer here.
870, 6992 Rana Yes Yes
715, 5815 Karaquazian Yes No
510, -1800 Dyant Yes Tune the Sawmill Yes
673, -975 Narkho(?) No Not up for judging, now belonging to BotS
939, 6578 Ift Yes
950,-779 Basis Yes
1027, 2320 Shynnagh Yes
1168, 6630 Cattleman Yes the garden is always a work in progress cause somedays a gardener can never be satified Yes
1249, 4015 Blizzard No
1253, 5222 Kudara Yes Kudara and Sengars Formal Garden. Park style garden with several different areas. Playable checkerboard, romantic pond area, and knot design. If you would like to play checkers please chat one of us so we can make it public. Two bijou tables are available for playing as well in the garden. Open for judging but not all the flowers are completed. Yes
1281, 3966 Taera Yes
1290, 3997 Devalin Yes
1351, 5020 Frances No
1380, -289 Shep Yes Yes
1509, -625 Tweetiti Re-openned Tweetiti presents: The Meta-Flower. Yes
1519, 4856 Amuniet Yes Yes
1581,-333 Ygerna Yes Recently reopened following extensive renovations ;) 5 mins north of Karnak mega, near the SConflict Yes
1716, 4809 Dwadja Yes
2246, 5065 Silvermouse Yes Huge display, Just below the School of Art, Including a Bunny mosaic! Yes
2454, 5614 Zanix Yes Yes
4089, 6393 Ay No Yes
4345, -1811 Tundra157 No Have a Beer on Me

N.B.: Player quit, garden has been salvaged. (Airmid)
1445, 2800 Ledara Yes Yes
-480, 6770 Meeyow Yes I have many beautiful specimens,and there are other gardens,tombs,vineries,and EHTs in the valley for you judging skills. Yes
-646, 6605 aunksum Yes Yes
1039, 6945 Ubasti Yes The Garden by the Sea Yes
-1326, 772 MrsChart Yes My Little Piece of Heaven. All comments are welcome. :) Yes
-1392, 4796 idnic Yes! Tranquility This garden is a shrine to beauty Yes
-1696, 5228 Magrathea No Bijou table here too; Opening for judging soon
2978, -1116 Sigil Yes Garden of the Sun is open for judging. Also an EHT, tombs, and some bijou tables shortly Yes
1622, -735 Tumaini Yes A garden of the Seasons, located south-east of the City of Karnak Megalopolis, and on the opposite side of lake Tranquility, as Dead Egyptian Poets Society (tell me or MehmetEliim if you want to put up a poem). Yes
-1938, 5406 Leghk Yes My escape from chores, on the grounds of the SVoK UConf campus
-1125, 4703 Zubon Yes A Tale in the Garden. Read the extended text of the stellae on my wiki page.
30,4690 Khatzesput Yes New! Next to the Four Corners Playground Yes
-2173,5618 Starscream Yes Only minutes from the VOK mega, Shows the unique sizes of flowers in Egypt. Yes
-500, 6700 Megrez Yes north of Cat's Paw Megalopolis in Valley of the Lakes Yes
-627, 2095 Airmid Wulf Yes Airmid's Ecological Garden shows flowers and mushrooms in their natural environment, and tells a bit about them. Ferry services are provided from camp and there's also tombs and a bijou table to play. An educational day out for you and your family! Yes
457, -6171 MissBarbara Yes Steps from the SE Mega Yes
918, 6845 Tribisha Yes A few seconds north of OE Mega
988, -6262 Temmillon Yes Maat festival-themed rose of Ra garden Yes
1500, 5460 Djehuty Yes Entitled flowers as color and form, this garden showcases a variety of roses and lilies representing generations of crossbreeding. Yes
-719, 7674 TCLogik Yes
-358, 6714 ArmEagle Yes Nice layedout camp with mostly lilies I bred myself. Check my user page for a virtual tour! Yes
1541, 7106 Tickle Yes Tickle's Chinese garden!! come see! Yes
-1712 5217 Magrathea Yes Serenity Garden
-500 3655 Qetesh Yes Some flowers moved, semi complete now Yes
839 -458 Yargh Yes Come and visit Yargh's Botanical Garden of Eden in 7L, bilingual stellae for french froggies, come and name your very own rose Yes
778, 6084 Siofra Yes The Art of Family, located at the Carillon compound, halfway between OE mega and LoTR Yes
655, -620 Akala Yes North of Rehpic's Camp in 7 Lakes Yes
430,-5735 losiris Yes Ode to Guido - showing off some of the flowers that the 'quit' Guido developed.
-55, 72 Nepthys Yes An oiasis west of the Red Sand Mega Yes
1806, 7403 Reisa Yes A collection of beautiful flowers found throughout Egypt
-2264, 4642 Suma Yes A Beautiful Butterfly Yes
1271, -224 Septah & Dinah Yes Double Gazebos, bluebird opticon and a waterfall in gorgeous 7L Yes
OE Mega Kemisi Yes Thanks for all the votes! Yes
1573,-651 Var-LeTha Yes Behind the Seven Lakes Sphinx. Showcasing AirmidWulf's major project to collect or product all possible Rose of Ra petal colors. Yes
2670, 5080 kumanatra Yes Roses in all colours and sizes - 13 different sizes to be seen here, 1 minute from Sinai Mega Yes
-11 7937 Cougz Yes Wine, a mosaic and a nice Church Sculpture No
1474, 4904 Zisoni Yes Memories of Egypt. My finest crossbreeds along with some of my favourite specimens from other breeders plus the best collection of cartouchery in Egypt. Yes
-1849, 5135 Vilbert Yes More than 30 unique flowers No

(See also: The Test of the Formal Garden)

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Last edited August 24, 2004 11:55 pm by Siofra (diff)