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Guilds > Horus Tears > Mentorat > Seemerunfast



Aims Done ? Notes
Reach level 5 X
Visit all the Schools and sign up to the Initiations X
Get a paid account X
Build a tent X
Visit all the Universities in Karnak X
Skills Done ? Notes
Flax Processing* X
Hotkeys X
Clay Working:
- Collect 12 Clay X
- Make 12 Wet Jugs X
- Bake the wet jugs in a Kiln X
Papyrus growing:
- Grow some Papyrus X
- Dry some papyrus at the top of a mountain to get seeds** X
Limestone and Soda gathering** X
Fishing : Catch some fish X
Foraging : Successfully forage 3 herbs X
Mushrooms collecting X
Exploration Travel and General Travel Means

* We have some improved flax seeds in chest, see the Flax seeds page for more info.
** See the Map for limestone spot and drying racks location.


Aims Done ? Notes
Reach level 10 x
Apply to a dedicated guild according to your interests x
Skills Done ? Notes
Vegetables growing: Grow 50 onions and 50 carrots* x
Learn the Carving skill x
Animals care (read stellas near the pens) x
Flowers care x
Bricks machine use x
Flax gin use x
Charcoal production: Make 200 charcoal x
Mining x
Metal Working:
- See the Horus Mines List x
- Mine 200 Iron Ores x
- Smelt Iron Ores into workable Iron in Furnaces x
- Make some Nails in a Student's Forge x
Carpentry blades making x
Stone Working:
- Dig some medium and cuttable stones x
- Use a Rock Saw or Mason's Bench to cut stones x
Watermine use x

* See the Map for Aqueduct Towers location, improving production


Aims Done ? Notes
Reach level 15 X
Skills Done ? Notes
Needed skills
Firepit Use: Make grilled fish and vegetables X
Crematory Use: Make some ash and lime (2 players) X
Glass Working:
- Make Potash in a Kettle X
- Gather materials for 10 units of melted soda glass X
- Make 10 glass rods/glass tubes X
Optional skills
(chose 2 skills from this list)
Beer brewing
Blacksmithing X
Spirits making
Gearbox design
Incense making
Thistle growing
Wood treatment
New: Marble quarry construction X


Aims - To become Patriarch Done ? Notes
Reach level 20 X
Skills - To become Patriarch Done ? Notes
Needed skills
Alloys making:
- Load the Reactory with 149 copper, 50 tin X
- Fire the Reactory X
- Dope the reaction at 7h59m50s X
Marble extraction X
Optional skills
(chose 2 more skills from this list)
Beer brewing
Blacksmithing X
New: Chemistry
Spirits making
Fireworks designing
Gearbox design X
Glassblowing X
Incense making
Thistle growing
Wood treatment
New: Marble quarry construction X
New: Mutagenics
New: Mentoring
New: Leadership - organise in-guild events (dig, acroline, party etc) X
New: Leadership - organise an Egypt-wide event


To become Elder - At Elders Wills.


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Last edited July 29, 2008 5:39 pm by Spicy (diff)