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Guilds > Horus Tears > Mentorat > Yankee


Initiate Level 0 to 5

Tasks Done ? Notes
Complete Initiation into Architecture (build and expand a compound) X
Visit all the Universities in Karnak X
Visit all the Universities of Worship in order to get veggies/flowers seeds X
Visit all the Schools and sign up to the Initiations X
Skills Done ? Notes
Flax Processing* X
Hotkeys X
Clay Working:
- Collect 12 Clay X
- Make 12 Wet Jugs X
- Bake the wet jugs in a Kiln X
Papyrus growing:
- Get some Papyrus Seeds from other players
- Grow 100 Papyrus
- Find or build a drying rack at the top of a mountain**
- Dry 10 papyrus to get seeds
Limestone and Soda Gathering:
- Make a Flint Hammer and a Flint Chisel X
- Gather 80 Limestone and 10 Soda**
Fishing : Catch some fish X
Foraging : Successfully forage 3 herbs X
Mushrooms hunting X
Exploration Travel and General Travel Means

* We have some improved flax seeds in chest, see the Flax seeds page for more info.
** See the Map for limestone spot and drying racks location.

Associate Level 5 to 10

Skills Done ? Notes
Vegetables growing: Grow 50 onions and 50 carrots* X
Learn the Carving skill X
Basic animals care:
- Build a Sheep Pen X
- Grow 500 Onions and stash in the sheep farm
- Put a couple of sheep in the farm X
- Read the Animals guide page
Charcoal production: Make 200 charcoal
Metal Working:
- See the Horus Mines List
- Mine 200 Iron Ores
- Smelt Iron Ores into workable Iron in Furnaces
- Make some Nails in a Student's Forge
Carpentry blades making
Stone Working:
- Dig some medium and cuttable stones
- Use a Rock Saw to cut stones
- Use a Mason's Bench to cut stones
Watermine use:
- Build a Water mine
- Try all angles and find a productive one
- Get 10 gems from the mine

* See the Map for Aqueduct Towers location, improving production

Level 10 to 15

Skills Done ? Notes
Needed skills
Flowers care
Firepit Use:
- Make an Iron Poker in a forge
- Load the firepit with 1 limestone, 200 wood and 1 Tinder
- Stoke the Firepit as many times as you can
- Try again until you master the process
- Try with a full load (limestone, papyrus, flax, leeks)
- Make 40 Ash and 10 Lime
- Use the firepit to make grilled fish and vegetables
Glass Working:
- Make Potash in a Kettle
- Gather materials for 30 units of melted normal glass
- Make a Sheet Glass
- Improve your Sheet Glass Fabrication skill to 3
Optional skills
Beer brewing
Spirits making
Fireworks designing
Gearbox design
Incense making
Thistle growing
Wood treatment

Level 15 to 20

Skills Done ? Notes
Needed skills
Alloys making:
- Load the Reactory with 149 copper, 50 tin
- Fire the Reactory
- Dope the reaction at 7h59m50s
- Try again until you get around 120 brass from one batch
Marble extraction
Optional skills
(about the same skills as in previous level)
Beer brewing
Spirits making
Fireworks designing
Gearbox design
Incense making
Thistle growing
Wood treatment
New: Marble quarry construction
New: Mutagenics

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Last edited November 5, 2007 9:05 pm by Yankee (diff)