Bu sayfada karmasik konular hakkinda kilavuzlar yayinlanacaktir. Wiki'deki butun konulari gormek icin, buraya tiklayin
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How To page.
Hesap Odeme Opsiyonlari
Terms and concepts
- Takvim ve Zaman - Misir tarihi ve zamani.
- Vatandaslik - Vatandas olabilmek icin basit bir kilavuz.
- Komutlar - Fonksiyon tuslari ve Chat penceresi komutlari.
- Complex Item - Information about how items with compound/complex names work
- Levels - Kendinizi nasil daha cok gelistirebileceginiz hakkinda bilgi.
- Principles - Information about Principles, mini- or lead-in- activities that grant a level, each connected to a Test
- Araclar - Araclar hakkinda bilgi.
Karmasik Konular
- Hayvanlar(Animals) - Misir'da bulunan hayvanlar hakkinda bilgi.
- Alchemy - <Insert description here if you are familiar with the results of Alchemy, in either T3 or T1>
- Barley - Information about Barley and how to grow it.
- Bira(Beer) - Bira yapimi icin gerekli olan hersey.
- Binalar(Buildings) - Binalar hakkinda bilgi.
- Charcoal - Charcoal Hearth kullanilarak Charcoal (cc) yapimi.
- Compounds - Compound'lar hakkinda bilmek istediginiz hersey, nasil daha kolay genisletebileceginizden tutunda Compound sekilleri hakkinda bilgilerde mevcuttur.
- Crossbreeding - Information on crossbreeding flax, grapevines, flowers, etc.
- Yemek Pisirme(Cooking) - Mutfak hakkinda bilgiler ve ayrica mutfakta hazirlayabileceginiz tarifler'e yer verilir.
- Toprak Kazimi(Digging) - Topragi kazarak nasilCuttable Stones, Medium Stones, Gypsum, ve/veya Bauxite elde edebileciginizi anlatan guzel bir kilavuzdur.
- Firebuilding - Firepit Kullanimi ve Firepit'te Baliklari ve Sebzeleri nasil pisirebileceginiz anlatiliyor.
- Balikcilik(Fishing) - Balik yakalama hakkinda bilgi
- Cicekler(Flowers) - Cicekler hakkinda bilgi
- Foliage - Agaclar ve diger bitkiler hakkinda bilgiler
- Foraging - Herb'leri Tanimlama ve toplama hakkinda bilgiler.
- Fumeology - Herb'leri kullanarak bir nevi sigara yapimi hakkinda bilgi.
- Gearbox Design - How to design the required ratios for automated buildings
- Gem Cutting - Gem Cutting Table(Cevher kesim masasi) kullanarak cevher kesim islemi hakkinda bilgi.
- Glassmaking -
- Indonesian Bees - Guide to breeding citrus trees and flavored honey.
- Incense - Basic information, research, and providers.
- Metalworking -
- Dowsing - How to look for minerals.
- Mining - How to harvest minerals.
- Furnaces - Smelting ore into workable metal
- Forge - working metal into blades, wire, straps, sheets, pipes and simple tools.
- Casting Box - casting metal into various forms
- Blacksmithing
- Alloys - How to make alloys (currently being researched)
- Mutagenics - Tale 2 info on Mutagenics
- Painting - How to mix paints in a Pigment Laboratory
- Papyrus - Information about Papyrus and how to grow it.
- PhotoAlbum? - A place to put your favorite screen captures ( ALT-C )
- Pyramids - Information about Pyramids and their locations.
- Pyrotechnics - How to make Pyrotechnics work for you.
- Quarrying - How to harvest marble.
- Resources - Information on common and complex resources.
- Thistles - Information about growing thistles
- Vegetables - Vegetables
- Viticulture - Vines, grapes and wine.
- Wood Treatment - Using your wood treatment tank.
- Firewall Proxy - this is a guide of what you can do to play behind a Firewall / proxy.
- Dual Logging - this is a guide on how to run 2 cleints at the same time.